Grandpa, We Have No Other Intentions

"And yes, Yuning lied to you. She did not only lie to you but she also tried to please you at the expense of handing over all of her assets to you. She knew that there was no need for her to do that at all. However, she only did it because she knew that I would never change my mind once I have decided on something. Yuning knows me very well and she only lied to you and tried to please you because she wanted to ease the tension between us."

"Moreover, you are not the only person she tried to please. Do you know how much Yuning have done for the Lu family? She also did her best to please the rest of the Lu family. She was so tired when she was busy filming before this and she had already stayed up for a few days but she rushed back to the Lu family mansion as soon as she could, just so that she could give your youngest grandson the acupuncture treatment that he needs."

"Grandpa, we have no other intentions."

Grandpa Lu: "…"