It’s Not Easy for Me to be Jealous

They really loved each other.

"Alright then, you have finished answering all the five questions. Thank you for your participation, Mr. Lu. We have to rush to the studio for the live broadcast with Yuning immediately," the young reporter said as soon as she saw the time.

As soon as the cameraman turned his camera away, Lu Jingzhi patted her gently on her head before he whispered in her ear, "I will wait for you to come back tonight. Then, you can lose your temper at me then."

"I don't feel angry anymore," Jiang Yuning replied as she shook her head. "I can't bear to get mad at you."

After listening to their conversation, the reporter and the cameraman could feel goosebumps all over their body.

They were really sweet together.

They had to make sure that they edit this video nicely so that they can share their beautiful relationship to the world.

Those haters should see what true love was.