No Hurry. Come and Get It From Me in Three Years

"No…no...I am not!" the woman hissed as she denied Li Xuan's words immediately. "I did not try to harm my own son!"

"Can you believe that a three years old child has more than thirty old and new injuries on his body? He was suffering from such a high fever for a few days before he was sent to a hospital. Do you know that your husband almost tortured your son to death? Almost! He was this close to dying. Do you know that? Every time you give in to your husband, it turns into a sharp nail that is nailed fiercely into your son's body! You are a heartless woman! You are the devil! Do you know how much your son is hurting?"

"You must be feeling very grateful that Dongdong cannot speak because if he could speak, he will definitely shout: Mom, I am hurting…"