About to Meet the Parent?

Xiao Chennan brought Vera to his car after they were done with breakfast.

Vera was very puzzled and she hurriedly asked, "Where are we going now?

"We are going somewhere…where I wanted to bring you long ago," Xiao Chennan did not say anything but he simply decided to keep it a surprise.

Vera did not ask him anything much because she trust in Xiao Chennan. So, she simply put on her seat belt in a calm manner.

The both of them returned to the city area in Luo City. As they drove through the noisy and bustling street, they finally parked in front of an old fashioned residential complex.

The buildings in this area was very old and there were not many people in this area. It seemed as though the surrounding buildings had the word 'demolition' written all over it.

"This is…"