Goodnight, My Bride

Yao Fan wanted to refute his words. However, she suddenly realized that Song Chenxing really did give her some hints before. Therefore, she could not say anything at all.

"I…I just think that you career will be ruined if we get married at this time…"

"I believe that all of my fans support me and like me because of my acting skills and my abilities. If I really get married and have a child, then they will definitely be happy for me and send me their blessings." Song Chenxing held Yao Fan's hands before he kissed her gently on her lips. "Even if they do not want us to be getting married, I will not care at all. I will still get married to you because you are the most important person in my life. Do you understand me?"

"Then…then why didn't you say anything at all just now? I thought that you didn't want this baby…"