So, the Man Already Has a Girlfriend?

[But suddenly, Tang Ke's real girlfriend posted the photos to all of her groups on her cell phone, including his fan groups!]

[Fuck! This scumbag!]

[Isn't this the pair of famous love line now? So, the man already has a girlfriend?]

[He does not only have a girlfriend, but the both of them were high school classmates and they have already been dating for many years. They have even met each other's parents! The woman has also sacrificed a lot for this man! As a result, she realized that he had been cheating on her. She also found out that this adulterous couple has already been cheating on her ever since they joined the crew. Don't ask me how I know everything for certain. I am just one of the witnesses too!] 

[Wow, this is really disgusting…He already has a girlfriend but he is still coming out to portray a love line? He is simply too despicable, right?!]