I Don't Want. I am Jealous

Today, he also brought a lot of guests with him, including Xu Liangzhou and a few other people. Even Xu Beishen came along.

Her expression was still very cool, but her face was filled with delight, as if she had found a good relationship.


These people brought a bunch of gifts with them.

The things they sent during this time have already filled up the utility room.

Jiang Yuning was really helpless.

"Sit down...sit down."

Jiang Yuning greeted the few people, but she noticed that they were staring at her abdomen.

At this time, Wen Luo patted Xu Liangzhou on the thigh, and then asked him: "Doctor Xu, do you know if it's boy or girl? Otherwise, let's make a bet!"

Jiang Yuning felt that these people were really too bored.

"Are you stupid? I was undergoing a birth check in his hospital. Wouldn't he know if it is a boy or girl?"