Excitement from Preparing for a Boyfriend

Ren Xinghe: "Then you can just tell me either one."

Jack Su: "Ku Jie."

Ren Xinghe: "???"

Ku Jie did not say anything else and he simply drove home, feeling quite comfortable. It seemed that during this period of time that he had spent with Ren Xinghe, he had no time to think about the meaning of life, and his mind was constantly filled with thoughts of that kid. Sometimes it hurts, and sometimes he felt that she was very cute. In short, Ren Xinghe brought out the brightest moments in Ku Jie.

Ren Xinghe did not chase after celebrities, so she did not know the stuff in the entertainment industry, let alone the awesomeness of X Society. Most importantly, she did not know about Ku Jie or who he was at all.

She hated her stepmother, so she did not even look at everything in the entertainment industry, nor was she willing to know and get close to the entertainment industry.