He's Sleeping

At the end of her morning examination, Ren Xinghe walked out of the examination hall without any hesitation at all.

The invigilator knew her and felt that she hadn't been herself throughout the whole morning, and he thought that she was nervous and might end up having poor exam results.

But when she was handing her paper in, the teacher glanced at her test paper, and only realized that he had been too worried about her.

After walking out of the examination hall, Ren Xinghe turned on her cell phone and heaved a sigh of relief when she saw the text message from Ku Jie.

She did not even bother having lunch, and ran to the hospital as quickly as possible.

In the ward, Grandma Ren was still in a coma. And Ku Jie, who had already stayed up all night, looked a little haggard as he sat on the sofa.

Ren Xinghe quietly walked over and held her grandma's hand, and she was suffering from a lot of guilt and pain in her heart.