I Miss My Mommy Too

"His mother was practicing abroad before, and I brought Shouyi there to visit him a couple of times. The environment there was rather bad, and he might have gotten used to it from that period of time." Lu Jingzhi explained as he gently patted Shouyi on his head.

"Yuning, right? , right?" The male singer immediately started the conversation as he said, "The shooting environment in the United States is so harsh. I cannot believe that you actually dare to take him there."

"Because I want to see my mommy." At this time, Shouyi answered softly.

"I miss my mommy too." Xiao Naicha chimed in.

After that, several children started crying in the bus, as if they had found a similar point and they were all crying very sadly.

Shouyi did not cry, but his eyes were red and he was already pouting.

The fathers were all at a loss, and they immediately plunged into a new round of coaxing their baby.