I Won't Let My Children Feel Insecure

Tomorrow is the last day of the recording. The babies would write speeches with their fathers at home in the morning, and in the afternoon with their fathers, they would go on stage and share with everyone their experiences on the island these days.

This was undoubtedly a big problem for babies.

In order to welcome the arrival of tomorrow's speech, the fathers took the babies to rest early.

But just after 12 o'clock, not long after Lu Jingzhi laid down, he heard Brother Ren eagerly knocking on the door outside: "Mr. Lu, are you asleep? Mr. Lu?"

Lu Jingzhi stood up and saw that Shouyi hadn't been woken up before he got dressed and opened the door: "What's wrong?"

"My daughter, Xiao Naicha seems to be having a fever." Brother Ren said anxiously, as he clasped his hands together.

"It's normal for a child to have a fever. You go back first, and I will come over right away."