I Love You, My Deity

After the family of three cleaned up, they went to the school in the town.

Other guests also arrived one after another.

It was just that although they have comforted and encouraged their babies, the babies were still at a loss.

They were envious of Shouyi being able to see his mother, but now when they thought of speaking in front of so many people, several babies wanted to retreat.

Shouyi was as steady as ever, without the slightest meaning of stage fright.

The most important thing was that Lu Jingzhi did not prepare a manuscript for Shouyi. In other words, he waited for him to play on the spot.

The other kids were also four or five-year-old children. So, why waa someone else's family so good?

Several fathers cried enviously.

But the child should be coaxed.

In order to create a relaxed atmosphere, the production group specially arranged the school hall, and the podium was arranged in a cartoon and warm atmosphere.