5. May's Question

"Well, we can't be sure that any information is, in fact, true or not hell who knows this photo may not be even his" stated Trip as he took a huge sip from his beer bottle.

"That's - That's true as well, there is no way to know if whatever information we got on him is true or not," Sky said as she massaged her forehead.

"Hey easy girl, just go give whatever you found on him to May, and tell her what you think about this information I am sure if May could find this name then she could also find whether this information, is true or not," Trip said.

"Yes, thank you Trip," said Sky as she jumped up from his seat and ran towards Coulson's office where May was sitting right now.

"May!" called out Sky as she entered Coulson's office.

"What is it Sky!?" asked May looking up from the screen towards Sky as she closed the live feed of Vault D just before Sky entered the room.

Since the moment Ward gave the name of Daniel Whitehall, May has been keeping an eye on her but she didn't find anything strange other than the fact that aside from his regular exercise he has also started to do meditation which he never did in his first month here.

"This is all I could find on Daniel Whitehall, but I am not sure if any of this is true, I don't even know if the photo we found of him is correct or not," said Sky as she showed the tablet to May on which all the information she had collected on Daniel Whitehall was showing.

May looked through the information once and understood what Sky was saying whatever they had on him was from the net where anything can be forged and being a Hydra Head there is no way he would give anything useful or even correct to them.

"It's ok, I will check on it you can leave it here," May stated.

"May, I wanted to ask you something. Where did you get that name" asked Sky

For a minute May wanted to tell her that it was Ward that gave them this name but fearing that this might have been his play she stopped herself, "That's Classified Agent Sky, above your level"

"Aren't I a Level 7 already how high should my level be if I want this information?" asked Sky in exasperation.

"Level 9!" replied May in her professional tone hearing which Sky understood that she shouldn't push May for the information now as it won't be good for her in the training room later.

After Sky left the room May once again looked at the information that Sky had brought on Daniel Whitehall. Seeing that there was no other way other than the confirmation she could get from Ward. May change the big Flat screen in front of her into showing the surveillance video of the hole Playground.

Once she made sure that Fitz was in the lab and Sky had gone back to the bus she made her way towards Vault D.


For the last 2 days, Grant has been following a proper schedule where he trains his body and mind, the food that was provided to him in the two days was more than enough for his high metabolism so Grant was thankful for that. Thanks to his daily meditation the range of his Observation Haki had increased from 10 meters to 20 meters and it's all thanks to the memories of the previous Ward. So when he sensed someone entering inside his range he was sure that Coulson had sent someone to get information from him as the aura he sensed wasn't Coulson's so it must be someone from the team such as May, Fitz, Simmons, or Sky.

Though Ward knew it was most likely May since none of the two would send the kids to him if they don't have to.

The Inertial Confinement Laser Barrier became transparent and Grant saw Melinda May standing in front of him.

Before Ward could say anything May had already asked her question, "What do you know about this Daniel Whitehall!?" she asked as she showed him the picture of Daniel Whitehall on the tablet.

"So you are not sure if he is Daniel Whitehall and you couldn't get any information on him through your sources. And since I would only answer one question you asked yours in such a way that I would have to answer both of them nicely done May" said Ward as he stood up from the bed and walked towards the Inertial Confinement Laser Barrier.

"Are you going to answer or not Ward? I thought this was your apology!" May asked.

"Oh, I will May, I will but you will have to bring the tablet a little closer as I can't see him properly," said Grant as he stood right next to the Inertial Confinement Laser Barrier from his side.

May brought the tablet closer to the Inertial Confinement Laser Barrier from her side allowing Grant to properly see the photo of Daniel Whitehall.

"Yes, this is him alright," Grant said nodded his head.

"Then tell me about him!" May ordered.

"Daniel Whitehall was completely amoral and capable of committing any crime that could help his or HYDRA's goals which were, in his mind, to answer the keys to death itself. Confident and arrogant in his capacities, he took seemingly all situations presented to him with calm indifference if not sadistic humor. He had no problems with killing dozens of people in horrifically cruel ways to test the powers of any enhanced or alien artifacts with no remorse. He did not care about any of his lower henchmen, because he had hundreds of them ready at his disposal." Grant stated.

"How do you know so much about him!?" May asked

"Well as I told Coulson 2 days earlier, neither Garret nor I were loyal to Hydra so knowing that they could become our enemy one day, I started collecting information through various Hydra channels as well as from Garret himself" explained Grant, "Garret liked to brag so when he was in a really good mood, he would curse the different heads of Hydra, and Whitehall was the one he cursed the most most likely because the guy found what Garret was looking for and used it himself"

"What do you mean by that!?" asked May

"Can't tell you May, I already answered 3 of your questions because I thought you deserved it, if you wanna know more then you would have to send Fitz here."