47. Oh, Brother

"So tell me. Is my re-emergence why you are trying to call whomever it is you are trying to call? Are you trying to call our parents perhaps? Do you need to let them know that I have finally been found?" asked Grant

Christian just glared at him.

"Also," Grant said pointing at the door, "your men won't be checking on you, at least not for the next hour. You requested some 'me time' and who van argue with that?"

Christian slammed down the phone in frustration. "What do you want?"

Grant sat down making a show of getting comfortable. "Nothing much" he replied casually, "Just an opportunity to clear the air. The attack on U.N. wasn't SHIELD, it was Hydra, specifically a man named Daniel Whitehall."

"Well, that's interesting. I thought you were Hydra" Christian said in a fake confused voice. 

Grant leaned back on his chair, looking relaxed. "Now why would you think that big brother? Have you been asking around about me?"

Christian tried to look unaffected. He shrugged. "I am United States Senator. We hear things."

"Well apparently not true things," Grant said lightly mainly to just irritate him, there was no way Grant would let him know the truth, "because I am here as SHIELD, not Hydra otherwise you would be dead already." The last part was added with force fullness making Christian earlier angry expression into a fearful one.

"You didn't come here to clear the air " Christian said contemptuously after regaining control over his emotions. "You need something from me and all this swaggering simply tells me you have nothing to offer in return"

"Au contraire (on the contrary)" Grant responded in perfect French with a smile. "You should know me better than that"

"And if I do somehow believe that you have something to offer, what do you want to do? Go on the record defending SHIELD, condemning Hydra?" Christian asked scornfully. "The American people are looking for a simple enemy grant it's what makes them feel safe."

"Safe," Grant said deliberately, drawing out his pronunciation. "That's an interesting word. It means protected, not exposed to danger." Grant gave Christian a considering look. "Being safe is something that's important for kids isn't it? All kids should feel safe, especially in their own homes. I certainly hope your kids do."

Christian reddened a little as he sat down heavily in his chair behind the desk. He gave Grant a mocking smile "I was wondering when we would get around to that. It's really too bad that Thomas never felt safe, especially when you were around. If that's the kind of safety you provide with SHIELD, then you will excuse me from questioning if that's what's best for our country."

"Of course I will excuse you, after all our parents raised us to believe that social niceties should be observed. So then you will have to excuse me from wondering just how safe our country is with leaders like you at th helm. I mean isn't it a little dangerous to have someone who makes decisions based on besides or personal vendettas? Don't you think we might feel safer if we have people who actually care about us in charge?" Grant sat back, watching with satisfaction how Christian's expression change from smug to anger to fear. Seeing Christian's ever-changing expression Grant thought 'Why was I, Grant Ward ever afraid of doing this? This is so much fun.'

"Are you threatening me Grant?" Christian's expression was one of incredulity. Clearly, he was having difficulty with the realization that the show was now on the other foot. His face changed and Grant braced himself. "After all we have been through together as brothers" Christian said with a warm conciliatory tone, "after all we know about each other, this is how you treat me the first time we are together in years?  I always told Thomas that you really did love him, that you loved all of us but just didn't know how to express it after all we are family."

'Wow! He is good! No wonder he fooled the teenage Grant' thought Grant as he sat back "No Christian, I am not threatening you. Why would I do that? But keep going I am enjoying this."

"Enjoying what?" Christian looked both afraid and puzzled.

Grant smiled and said "Watching you work"

"I am... I am trying to have an honest conversation." Christian seemed like he was trying for a sincere even humble expression but couldn't quite manage it, "Please tell me how am I working?"

"Changing tactics, using my name, mentioning Thomas... I used to fall for all of your tricks" Grant said as he remembered how easily he was manipulated first by Christian than Garrett.

Grant watched closely as Christian's face twisted into one of desperation. "That's not how I think Grant, that's how you think!"

'Does Christian even realize what he is been doing or all of this is just second nature to him' This was an interesting question one that Grant hadn't truly considered before. He had always believed that his older brother knew exactly what he was doing and why but maybe that wasn't true. Maybe Christian learnt all too well from watching their parents. Perhaps their behaviour just soaked into him. But right now it didn't mattered to him as he still needed to do what SHIELD needed him to do.

"And now you are turning it back on me" Grant paused wanting to be certain that Cristian heard the next sentence. "You take after mother." Grant said while thinking 'Lets see what he does with that'

Cristian reared back as though he had been slapped. "I take after...?" He forcefully shook his head "No." Suddenly he got to his feet and started pacing behind his desk. Grant remained silent fascinated by Christian's silent struggle. "No I am the one who is different from mom and dad" he pointed at Grant "You! You are the one who takes after them. You always twist every act and blame it on someone else. Mom and Dad were terrible but they didn't put the match in your hand when you burnt down the damn house. And I didn't squeeze the trigger when you killed all those people"

"It's true I did those"