54. Ward Family Manner

"Coulson you aren't making the right decisions," Skye said as she stood on the other side of the cell.

"I know that Grant was right when he said that I will start making decisions that won't be correct and may hurt the team. That's why this one even if wrong will only end up with me being hurt" Coulson said as he walked out of Vault D.


Coulson holds Hank Thompson at gunpoint after a warning that his life is in danger. This is just before Sebastian Derik knocks him out from behind. Thompson is bound and gagged in his workshop. His wife and son are locked in a closet. Coulson is also tied up. Derik lets him know that pain gives him back his memories. It's how he found all the others from the Tahiti Project. He wants to know what the alien writings mean. He is willing to do whatever it takes to find out.

Hank Thompson escapes from his bindings. Some deep-rooted training helps him assist Coulson in breaking free as well. Thompson rushes his family to safety while Coulson momentarily neutralizes Derik. A mighty struggle ensues. Skye and Mack arrive. They threaten to shoot Coulson, who has Derik trapped by the neck. He is not trying to kill him. He is trying to get him to look down at the massive toy train design Hank Thompson had constructed. From above, it looks like the alien writing. It looks like a city.

Coulson tells Hank Thompson that they could use a good, former super spy like him. That is not going to happen. Thompson is happy being the family man he is now. He thanks Coulson for his second chance and give him his card. As for Sebastian Derik, he was turned over to the proper authorities. He has also found his peace. So has Coulson. The compulsion to carve is gone. He can feel it. Now all he has to do is figure out why the alien was so determined to get to that city.

"So what now boss," asked Hunter.

"Wait for the news from Ward. In the meantime, we will take advantage of his gift of Bakshi. But another thing I need to tell you is that I am not crazy, well not crazy anymore. I have been trying to solve a puzzle, just like Hydra. And now it's our job to find the mystery city before anyone else." Coulson said as he spoke to his team.


Since Grant had several hours to kill before he met with his family, he drove the car left by Shield for him and drove it towards the north of Boston to Breakheart Reservation, about half an hour away from his parent's home on Charles River. Christian probably didn't know about his five-year-long camping trip so he wouldn't expect Grant to be drawn to nature and wouldn't look for him in there. It also was a perfect location for getting some of the downtimes he desperately needed and it was sparsely populated by humans he would see or hear someone coming from a long way.

After some relaxation, he was ready to meet his family. Driving through the streets of Beacon Hill on his way to his parent's house made Grant surprisingly nostalgic. Although the house the word family lived in now wasn't thankfully the house which he had grown up this was the same general area while he never had been happy with his family over our grant still had happy times especially with Elizabeth and Thomas he had even made some casual friends who had joined him on Adventures in the neighborhood.

Grant reached the correct address and parked the car in front of their enormous 7 million dollar house on chestnut Street he was still early so he had some time to sit there and listen to Christian's phone calls as he was driving to the house. The first one was pretty stereotypical, so that had to be his wife Anna.

"I am sorry hon" Christian was saying regretfully Grand rolled his eyes at the 'hon' even if he hadn't been sure that Christian's marriage was for show the syrup sweet endearment would have kept him off the only question was whether Anna believed it. "I will try to make it home this weekend but with the strategy meetings it's just.. ok love you"

Christian's 'love you' was said in a flat tone. Anna didn't sound like she was all that broken up by the prospect of a Christian free weekend guess she doesn't by his act Grant didn't really blame her.

Grant remains in his car and listening, he had seen his mother appear quickly through the windows a few minutes ago watching him said there without making a move to enter their house undoubtedly made his parents anxious a state he was all too willing for them to experience. And he needed to know what was going on with Christian. If he was lying to Anna about his whereabouts over the weekend, his brother was up to something.

His patience was quickly rewarded as question weighted all of 5 seconds before calling another woman "It's me" he told her smugly "yep wide open my family's summer place" his voice took an intimate tone. Grant smiled as he understood what was going on "Did you get my present?" Christian laughed, "Of course, it's see-through that's the point." Grant rolled his eyes a cheating politician was so close that he was or was disappointed in Christian expected better or worse Grant briefly pondered that whether this information would be helpful for him or not but then saw Christians car turn the corner and he shook his head to clear his mind he needs to focus.

Christian finished his phone call his black SUV slowed to let Christian out, then sped off to park somewhere close. Grant waited for a few more minutes then got out of his car, crossed the street, and rang the doorbell.

A small, dark-haired woman with heart-shaped features opened the door. She first looked impassively at Grant then her brow furrowed and a puzzled expression crossed her face. A second later, her eyes widen and her mouth dropped. "Mr..... Mr..... Grant, is that you?" she asked disbelievingly.

Grant also went through memory lane when he saw the woman and remembered who she was the smiled fondly at her. "Yes, Galina it's me. It's been a long time. How have you been?"

Galina had been with the word family for as long as Grant could remember she drank the household with her husband Pyotr maintained the yard and vehicles and did any general maintenance that was required. The couple had always been kind to all the children in the house but specially Grant it was delena who first taught him how to speak Russian.

" I never thought I would see you again"