61 Going to Hawaii

"You can't get two powers because an inhuman only gets one, Hence you will be both an Inhuman and a mutant. Luffy's powers will turn into your mutant one and the Accelerator's power will turn into Inhuman one understand."

God said "I do, so because of the suicide attempts my mutagens activated and I got my powers while the Inhuman ones will activate once I go through Terragenisis," Grant said understanding what God meant.

"Correct, it will also help you in the future if you decide to tell someone the truth about yourself," God stated

"Thanks, it will be helpful," said Grant

"I hope you go far with this new power," God said

"I will," Grant said as he disappeared from the place. Just as Grant disappeared another entity appeared in the void. "You were again going to change his power again weren't you," said the entity. "Yeah well this power is more broken than the previous one he was gonna get had I known this would happen I wouldn't have done that," said the God.

"Even if you are the Entertainment God, don't forget that you can't do anything you want for entertainment even I the Death God can't do that, and neither the Reincarnation Goddess can do that so who gave you the courage to do that. Anyway since you messed up this was your punishment and don't worry since the kid doesn't know about it he won't become overpowered the day he gets this power." said the now recognized Death God.

"Yes Sir," said the Entertainment God. ____________________________________________

Grant opened his eyes to find out he is back on the tree where he slept. After making sure that everything was alright he jumped down from his spot onto the ground thinking about his meeting with God. "Looks like I will have to go through the Terragenisis right now they should be going to Hawai for finding the exact location of the temple. Looks like I will have to join the Hydra of Daniel Whitehall now if I don't want to be late.



Grant was right, as Melinda May was in charge of the Playground, as Phil Coulson takes Leo Fitz, Antoine Triplett, and Skye to Hawaii. He gives each a particular mission, then has the Bus take them to Australia. At Laura Creek, there is a satellite relaying station that is easier to infiltrate than the Kaena Point Air Force Base in Oahu. The weird assignment Coulson gave earlier is to cause an EMP blackout at that base which would cause the one at Laura Creek to be used as a backup. Coulson wants their satellites hacked so he can find the city that matches the Words of Creation. However, while there, the team is ambushed by HYDRA, and Triplett is fatally shot.

HYDRA is there because Zabo explained to Daniel Whitehall that the Diviner selected worthy people to go to a temple in a hidden city. Zabo sought that city, but Triplett's injury allows him to meet Coulson personally.

He is surprised that Coulson knows about the city since Whitehall had to be told by him. The Diviner has something inside it explains Zabo. Coulson allows Zabo to escape to save Triplett. In the Playground, May opens Vault B so that the others can research the past of Daniel Whitehall.

They discover his past identity as Werner Reinhardt but not the secret of his youth. When this information is told to Sunil Bakshi during his interrogation by Bobbi Morse, he takes a cyanide pill to commit suicide, but he is saved. Before Skye can be told that Coulson and Fitz met her father, the satellites find a match. ________________________________________

Hydra Base of Daniel Whitehall.

"It's good to meet you, Mr. Ward, when news reached to my years that you have gotten out of your captivity, I was waiting for you to contact me or any other Hydra Heads," said Whitehall as he drank tea from his cup while starting at Grant Ward.

"Yeah, I thought of taking care of some old business but decided to let it be for now so that it could be of use to me in the future. As for coming to you instead of any other Hydra Heads, the reason is quite simple." Grant said

"Oh, and what is that?" asked Whitehall a little intrigued.

"You are in direct conflict with Coulson and his SHIELD and after what they have done to me in these 6 months, I need to repay them myself before you destroy them," Grant replied.

"Yes, I can understand the sentiment." Stated Whitehall with a smile on his face. As they continued their talk Zabo returned from his trip and Whitehall introduced Grant to him.

Zabo asked few questions about Coulson's team to hear anything he could about his daughter which Grant did but not enough that it could be used against them as Whitehall was sitting right there and he didn't want to give him any advantage against SHIELD.

Ward's Pov

After Joining Whitehall, I get sent on my first mission. Whitehall needs some enemies taken out. He sends me with a team and puts me in charge. Who are rookies in all but name. One of them has a mouth on him, so I put him in his place by breaking his jaw and knocking him out. The rest of the men are scared of me so they follow my orders.

I pass by Agent 33 a couple of times. It's known that she is brainwashed by all but her. I feel pity as I watch her follow Whitehall like a lap dog. She looks at with such devotion. But I befriended her quickly. I call her Kara and not Agent 33.

In the series she was one of the characters I felt pity for as a loyal SHIELD Agent she was betrayed by one of them then brainwashed to follow Whitehall after that Grant Ward used her to hurt the team. Whatever the reason was she couldn't get out of this circle. And I want her to get out of it.

She smiles to me a lot now when she sees me and gives me a nod. She doesn't talk to anyone much but that's because Whitehall will see it as weakness.

I watch her closely and Whitehall notices. When he asks, I smile and say "She is nice to look at"