Chapter 18

Mira is awkwardly standing there, her throat dried, don't know what excuse to give... "Hi..." she wave her hand awkwardly.

Louis is standing at the threshold totally surprised by Mira sudden visit.

"well.... sir ...I ...well" Mira couldn't find any excuse.

Louis suddenly realise Mira standing outside of his home and invited her.

Mira was somewhere curious to know how Louis home look like or want he really look like when he is in his private space. Mira find his really neat and tidy no doubt he have serious OCD she thought. Her gaze fell on several bowls of instant noodles... it seems like there is something which Mr perfect doesn't know

"Mr Louis .... you didn't hired any cook "

"I did ....but she is on a leave ...she went to her town to visit her family"

"oh.... Mr Louis you should have called someone ..... instant noodles are not healthy"

Louis is delighted to know that Mira started to care for him...a sudden warmth spread in his heart.....he feels like in his dull boring and lonely life have found some spark. He usually live a life like a robot only working ....but know he look forward to a day to see Mira's face. He himself doesn't know when she became so important to him . The first time he saw her he for the first time felt something inside him.....a feeling he couldn't describe. And observing Mira for one month he couldn't get her out of his head. He observe about her everything the way room brighten up when she smile, how she avoid eye contact whenever she is embarrassed, her blurting things out without thinking.

"This not healthy let me cook something.... you should go take rest won't take much time"

Mira cooked some soup for him. She then went to his room. Louis instead of sleeping he is working on laptop. gezz even he us sick of e can't let go of work for few days Mira thought.

"why are you still working you should be resting" Mira went towards Louis and snatch the laptop accidentally that time Mira's hand brush against Louis. "Louis you are burning up.... let me call the doctor" ...... "it's not needed there is some medicine on that drawer .....I will be fine fever last for more than one day .....I will be completely fine by tomorrow" Louis mumble in husky voice.

"bu--" Mira wanted to argue but looking at Louis face she didn't because it seems like this has happened before... "OK ....I cooked some soup for you ...have it ...then take your medicine"

"I'm feeling really weak ..... I don't feel like eating" Louis pouted .

Who have imagined Louis Colleen could pout Mira is totally surprise by Louis behaviour..... she sign "stop behaving like a kid and eat cannot have medicine empty stomach"

"Then you feed me ....otherwise I won't eat" Louis argue giving me puppy dog eyes.

This guy doubt he is king of business world ...he is trying to charm me and it's totally working.... Mira feel like pulling her hair.

Mira compose herself and feed Louis, then she give him medicine. Mira after helping him with medicine she is moving away from the bed to leave the room. But Louis grab her hand and tug her towards him "Please stay Mira ..... I don't want to be alone" Louis said.

looking towards Mira intensely.

Mira couldn't able to deny his request and sit beside him. He hold her hand and lay down to get some sleep. After few minutes Louis broke the silence.

"You know Mira even though I have everything I'm still lonely." Louis said looking towards ceiling. " My mom died after years giving birth to twins... I..... was so young .....after my mother's death things changed so drastically.... We needed our father's support at that time... I was only eight and twins were five....we don't know what's really going..... but my father immersed himself in work... I understand his pain of losing his love" .....Louis eyes look towards me he look so vulnerable.... he never shows anyone this side even he is in pain he never make it appear on his face....but today he is showing his side to me ..I couldn't help but Caresse his hair his head with my fingers to comfort it . Louis continue looking so vulnerable "but we also lost our mother and I feel like we have not lost mother but father as well... he assign nanny to take care of us" suddenly his expression changes there is murderous look on his face.....

"What happen to nanny" Mira look at louis her walls crumble down she couldn't hold it any longer she hold Louis hand tightly and Caresse his forehead.

"That bitch is infatuated with my dad and in order to gain his attention she made me sick ....I don't know what sort of medicine she used to give me...but it really makes me weak..... but father didn't stay with us more than one day our face reminds him of mother... so he couldn't able to look at us ...she used to beat me, curse me that i shouldn't have born neither my siblings, we are the waste.... I was fine till it's happening with me but ....but I lost it one day, .......that bitch saw my brother standing at top of stairs I could see he evil glint in her eyes I know she is going to harm him.....but before she could push my brother I pushed her and take my brother and sister with me and hide ourselves in the garden. My father came home that day he panicked not seeing us. After long hours of hiding one of the guards find us and bring us to dad I told him everything ...he felt rage towards nanny but me and brother relationship changed drastically towards my father ....we become emotional less from that day...I train myself so hard to become stronger my brother same as well..... thankfully my sister had her sanity she growup to bubbly girl that incident did somehow change her but she is very strong she could able to withhold herself at very young age. Mira....." he look towards me so intensely "Mira.... Mira all I ever wanted in my life was family , love....but I'm scared of those happiness ...I don't want it to snatch it away from me"

"When I look at you Mira I feel a comfort inside me.....a warmth that I never felt in my life...I want to have a family with you..... please Mira give me a chance"

Mira felt like crying, suddenly a burst of emotions is flowing inside her that she couldn't able to describe.... she lay her head against his chest and hugged him her tears couldn't able to stop ...oh god Louis I never know you being through so much .....I don't deserve you Louis I don't ...I try to harm your family in my previous life....god I had become so ugly in previous life....I don't don't deserve you Louis and with that thought her tears couldn't able to stop.

"Shhh .....Mira don't cry ....I don't like to see you cry....please mira" Louis said wiping my tears away.

Mira after crying for half an hour wipe her tears and look at Louis ....she move her hand towards Louis face and hold it from one side ....."Louis I won't leave are not waste...she was the bitch deserve so much love" Mira said kissing his forehead.... she then lay down her head on his chest ...

even if one day you leave me for Samira I will never hate you I will leave you to be happy with her.....Your happiness matters to me a lot Mira thought.

"from today's onwards you are mine Mira ...I will never leave you ....and I will never allow you to leave me" Louis declare

only future could tell what going to happen.

And with that they fallen sleep in each other's arms .