chapter 42

Today is the Zing fashion show. Where they are going to showcase their spring collection. Mira is nervous about her jewellery design. She hopes everything went smoothly and people like her designs. She suddenly got a call. She saw the ID caller a smile appear on her face. She pickup the call.


"Hi baby ....all the best for your designs ...don't worry everyone is going to love it...I hope I could be there to support you"

"Thank you Louis..... don't worry I know you support me...and I understand you couldn't delay your meeting. Your project is important"

"I love you Mira"

"I love you too Louis"

Louis told her about the devil project. Today is the meeting between Louis and president. The formula is almost done but the testing needed. Mira doesn't exactly know about this project. Louis didn't give any details. But what she knows it's a confidential project.

"Hi Mira" suddenly someone called her. Mira turns and see it's Marcus.

"Oh hello Marcus.....everything is done"

"Yes Mira ..... and I wanted to introduce to someone he is one of our biggest sponsor he is impressed with your designs so he request to meet you" Marcus signal a person. Mira is curious to know who this person could be. Suddenly an image appear from distance. Mira tries to remember who could be this person this person seems like she saw somewhere. She stress her brain suddenly she remembers it's Samira brother .....Cole Romani.

Cole Romani is same age as of Louis. Both the height is same as well. It is strange to see someone like him is still single. No doubt both sister and brother look different from everyone and catches everyone attention around them.

"Hello Ms Robertson it's pleasure to meet you" Cole takes Mira's hand and kiss her on the back of her hand.

Mira quickly retreat her hand and politely smile "pleasure is all mine Mr Romani"

Cole give a nod "I want to meet you because I like your designs it's very unique would you mind where did you get this inspiration from"

"Actually I'm always interested in jewellery designing. I learn this from my grandma unfortunately she is no more. I want to open a jewellery business in honour of her" Mira said trying to control her emotions she still remember her grandma it's being 3 years of her death but Mira still misses her company. Her grandma is the only best thing she had. She is the only person with whom she is close ...nobody pampers her like her grandma did.

"I'm sorry Ms Robertson" Cole said. He is looking intensely at Mira. Something about her is very different from other women. It's a first time he is clearly seeing mira. Mira no doubt reduce a lot of weight leaving beautiful curves on her body which makes most of women jealous. Even though she is wearing a black dress which doesn't show any skin except her slender legs but nobody can ignore those curves doubt she catches Louis attention Cole inwardly chuckle a sudden feeling to possess this woman came inside him.

Mira is feeling awkward from the look that is getting from him Marcus saw how uncomfortable Mira is feeling "I'm so sorry Mr Romani but I have something for which I need Mira's help excuse us" he breaks the awkward atmosphere.

Mira sign in relief. She doesn't want to be in Cole Romani company anymore.


Both Marcus and Mira satisfied with the models they just hope things go smoothly. The show is going to start in 15 minutes.

"So ...Are you and Louis is engage" Marcus saw the ring that Mira is wearing. A disappointed flash inside him.

Mira unaware of Marcus feeling give him a bright smile "Yes"

"Oh...congratulations" even though Marcus is disappointed but he is not kind of person to break someone relationship he could see the happiness in her eyes. So he let her go ..... "I hope we could be good friends" . Even he couldn't become someone special but he wants to hold a good friendship. He likes her company and she is efficient with her work.

Mira doesn't know why suddenly he said that but anyway nodded and give him a polite smile.


The show has started. One by one the models walk on ramp displaying the dress and jewellery.

There is no doubt Zing clothing line always create an impact on audience but what surprise them the jewellery that is going so well and elegant with the dress . The earrings, bracelet, rings, necklace were design very simple but it give an elegant look to dress. Each piece is design in flower, leaves, branches, butterfly keeping in mind to go with the theme. The stones that used are rare pieces Mira give night and days to get hold of this rare stones.

The fashion show is the hit. After the show. Marcus took hold of Mira and walk on the ramp with show stopper. They give their greetings. Afterwards many people congratulate them and journalist ask few questions some to Mira some to Marcus. After getting satisfied with the answer they left.

Mira is really tired today. She wants to go home and sleep. She give her farewell to Marcus and leave. Suddenly a figure appears infront of her.

"I'm sorry to appear so suddenly infront of you....but I have a proposal for you. Recently I'm thinking to collaborate with someone and showcase the limited edition design. I am really Impress with your designs would you like to collaborate." Cole said.

Mira really got scared seeing Cole suddenly infront of her. She hesitate to say yes for the proposal. But Romani enterprise is one of the big cooperation. Working with someone like them Mira will get a lot of praise and opportunity. The dream of opening her own jewellery shop will get higher chance.

After lot of hesitation she said yes. Both of them exchange the business card.

"Well I look forward to work with you Ms Robertson" Cole said

"Same here Mr Romani" and with that Mira take her leave.

Cole smirk looking at Mira's back..... this is going to be interesting. His little friend harden a desire to conquer her and ravish her under him appears in his eyes.