Chapter 45

Mira is trembling in the sleep. He feeling of dirty hands touching her making her feel like needles are piercing her. She squirm her breathing became fast suddenly someone shake her. She open her eyes and gasp. She look at Louis "Louis" She murmur and hugged him.

"You are safe Mira ...shhh" Louis calm her down by patting her head softly.

"Louis I got so scared..... that man said something like I provoke a wrong person... he will not come after me will he" Mira said with a look of fear in her eyes. Louis never feel this weak in his life he cup Mira face "This is the last time I fail to protect you trust me Mira whoever this person is I won't spare them". Louis take Mira to his place. He don't want to leave her alone.

He take Mira to his room " Sleep baby take some rest your body is weak" he said and cover her with blanket. Mira nodded and close her eyes.


Louis went to another room which his office. He called Lucas "Find something"

"This whole case is complicated brother. I check the CC TV footage the waiter who serve the drink is found death. Moreover the man who harm sister in law he manage to cover his face with hoddie. The room is also booked in a fake name" Lucas said rubbing his head.

"Damn it Lucas there must be some clue send me the footage" Louis shouted angrily.

"OK brother ...check I send you"

Louis downloaded the footage send by. He gritted his teeth seeing that scumb touching his Mira. A rage that he never felt his in his life. He repeatedly watch the video to find some clue suddenly he stop the video a evil smirk appear in his face

"Caught you"

He called kai " kai I send you the picture of person see"

Kai open the file and see a blur tattoo on his head, his head is shaved "boss this look like a snake if I'm not wrong"

"Yes I want you to hack the surveillance cameras of the area near the hotel we must find some clue" Louis said

"Yes boss I know what I need to do I will find this person" kai said.

"I'm giving you today only tomorrow 10 am sharp I want the report" Louis said.

"Bu--" before kai could say anything Louis cut the call. Damn it I have to sacrifice my sleep kai grumbled.

Louis left the office and went to his room. He saw Mira awake staring blankly at the wall. Mira turn to see Louis.

"What happen baby" Louis tenderly ask

"Louis make me forgot ....whenever I try to sleep I feel like someone touching me ....please Louis make me forgot" Mira desperately said tears running down on her face. She couldn't forget the horror. Louis hugged her "Nothing going to happen Mira"

"No Louis ...make love to me make me forgot his touch" Mira cried her voice is breaking. Louis kissed her to stop her from crying. He wipe the tears always slowly kissing her forehead, nose then lips. Slowly moving towards her collarbone. They both get naked soon.

Louis take her left breast inside his mouth softly sucking it, kissing her in between her breast. Mira grip his hair and softly moan from the sensation she is getting "Ahh ....I love you Louis ....don't leave me Louis" Mira is really vulnerable now. Louis take sharp breath he break away from her breast and look intensely at her eyes "Mira I will never leave you. Neither I will let you leave me" a possessive look appear in his eyes. He kissed her roughly this time and enters her. Mira moan loudly in between kiss.

He softly make love her that night. He kissed and touch her every part of her body to make her forget about that bastard touch replacing it to his. So that all she could remember is his touch.


10am sharp Louis get the report. Kai have dark circles under his eyes. The time he got is very less without any information it's difficult to find a person. But somehow manage

"Boss he know by the name shark but his real name is Jon no last name. According to my investigation he live in an isolated place no family members." kai gave his report.

"Where he is right now" Louis ask.

"His current location right now is departmental store but the strange thing is that store is already shut down" kai said puzzle.

"This person must be trying to run away" Louis said. He called Lucas

"Lucas I'm sending you the details of that scumb haunt him down I want him alive" an evil glint appear in his eyes.





How much will you run. I said it I will haunt you down. Louis smirk