chapter 51

Mira dad is looking furiously at Louis along with him Mira mom also come. Mira don't know how to handle this situation but before she could say anything her dad throw a punch on Louis jaw.

"Dad" Mira shouted bewilder by her dad reaction. She never saw her dad so violent.

Mira's mom hold her husband trying to calm him down "honey they both are adults stop acting so overprotective look at the bright side we are going to be grandparents"

Arthur calm down after hearing the word grandparents thinking about cute little bun in his arms his heart spread with warmness but didn't let it show on his face. He clear his throat and keep glaring at Louis.

Louis for the first time in his life gulp. He never got scare with anyone but looking at Mira's dad he don't know what to say afterall who is he kidding he purposely made Mira pregnant so that she can never leave him. He takes Mira hand and look towards her dad "Sir I have said it before and I'm saying it again I love Mira and I respect her. As she is pregnant So both now Mira and our child is my responsibility. So sir I would like to ask your permission to marry your daughter"

Arthur grumble even though he knows Louis love his daughter but damn it he is not ready to let go his daughter but anyway sign "it seems like we need to do shotgun wedding"

Mira get shock hearing shotgun wedding she complains "but ask the bride first if she is ready for marriage or not"

Both Arthur and Louis glare at her. Mira gulp seeing their glare.

"Well young lady should have think before getting pregnant" Arthur said.

"You don't want to marry me Mira" Louis said looking at her accusingly.

Mira didn't accept this reaction "I didn't mean it that just everything is happening fast ...atleast give me some time to adjust"

Her mother sign she understand her daughter situation marriage after all is a big step but at a same time she don't want people questioning her daughter character she move towards her daughter and Caresse her head "Mira I understand but let me tell you one if you love Louis and already decided to become part of each other's life then isn't it a right time to get married. Mira there will be no right time for marriage it's up to couple to decide and think about the child won't it need both mother and father..... think about it child.....I shall take my leave but think dear" She gently smile and with her husband left the room.

Both Lucas and Sonia also left the couple alone to talk. Now Mira and Louis are only two people inside the room.

Louis looking at Mira many mixed feeling going inside him. He is already looking forward for spending his life with Mira but afraid of her reaction. He gently cup her face and make her look at him "Mira I love you I understand you want time but I am already looking forward to spend my whole life with you do you also thinking the same"

Mira is still looking at his eyes he never show this much of emotions but today he is showing. She obviously want to spend her whole life with him after all she don't know since how long she is loving this man. But hearing him confessed she got an assurance "I want to spend my life with you Louis"

Louis body relax after hearing her. He kiss her forehead and hug her "then Mira please marry me"

Mira burst from happiness from inside. She couldn't believe it all her life she wants his love and today it's a day where he is begging her to marry him. In her past life she did everything to get his attention. She scheme, she lied just to get his attention but at the end it lead her to death. And in this life how much she run away from him but destiny bring them together. In this life it's Louis who chase after her how much she tries to run away from him but he didn't let her go. She finally got his love and carrying his child inside her womb. She is afraid of this happiness it's seems a dream from which from which she never want to wake up.

Louis break the hug seeing Mira quiet "Mira say something there is no pressure even if you refuse me I will still try to convince you but don't stay quiet say something"

Mira look at his puzzle state and giggle "My overbearing brute yes I will marry you"

Hearing her Louis face lighten up like a bulb and then he kissed her.

Mira break away from his lips and glare "Not so rough Louis I'm pregnant". He grins hearing her " baby how about next month"

"What that's early"

"I don't know if it's upto me I just marry you by tomorrow but I want to give you a proper wedding so choose next week or next month" Louis arrogantly said.

Mira narrow her eyes "You brute" and this way this couple keep bickering.




But what they not aware is the strom that will soon come into their life.