Chapter 61

Mira eyes flutter as the rays of sunlight hit her eyes. She pulls the blanket to cover her face. Louis doesn't know for how long he is watching her sleeping peacefully beside him. Her slow and steady breathe calms his heart, as if it reminds him that his Mira is safe and secure beside him. As Mira pulls the blanket to cover her face, then she move her body and her naked back is facing Louis.

Louis smirk seeing mark on her body 'I intend did a good job' he thought. He remove the blanket and stood up, he walk to the bathroom and get took a bath. When he came out of the bathroom, he still Mira sleeping peacefully. He didn't wake her up and instead he left a note for her. After that incident, he tightened his security around his home. And hired bodyguards to keep a close look without appearing infornt of her.

As he was once in the military. So, he doesn't need bodyguard for himself. Be it combat skills or weapons he is the best fighter who had lead several operations in the military. It's been so long that he is thirsty of blood. He doesn't know what sort of play life is playing. But he is damn sure that life giving them a chance to choose a different path of their own happiness. And he will kill anyone, whoever come in between them even if it's life itself.

Soon he reach his organisation. As he enter, the employees around him could feel the aloof and cold aura that he is carrying. Nobody could able to greet him because of the overbearing aura he is emitting. Louis ignored everyone around him and move towards Lucas office. Without knowing he barged inside his office.

Lucas who's focus on the computer yelp with sudden bang of door. He confusedly look at his brother cold expression. But before he could react Louis interrupted "Did you find something?"

Lucas puzzle expression turn serious "This is something serious brother. This guy Cole is not what he appears." Lucas pause for sometime deep in his thoughts, he move his eyes from computer to Louis "Last night I try to hack his security system to get some information but damn the security system is to tight. One wrong move could expose who is trying to hack their system. But that's not what important. What important is that during my investigation I found something weird. I got hold of Cole mother's identity."

Louis eyes is stuck on Lucas expecting to hear more. Lucas clear his throat and continues "Cole is the result of his mother one night stand. After few years of his birth she suicide. His grandfather had a strong hold in the underworld and needed a heir. So, he took his grandson and make him the heir of white snake gang."

Louis strangely look at Lucas "How can you be so sure. Before you didn't know anything about the white snake gang"

Lucas smirk evilly "Well brother, I don't know why but I personally took this investigation as it seems interesting and thrilling. And haven't I mentioned before I have some connection in underworld. So, answering your question I came across a person who do illegal dealing together with this gang. And interestingly he is one of the biggest client of white snake gang for many years. That fucker slip everything about that gang over a drink. And as you mention Cole Romani last night. I went through his bio data. It must be luck that I came across his mother name. All it took to connect the dots."

"So, Cole is the only child. He doesn't have any siblings or family relatives" Louis asked.

"It seems after all his grandfather was orphan. His wife died young. He only had a daughter and after her death, he is left with Cole. Which proves our theory that Samira and Cole is nowhere are siblings." Lucas said deep in his thoughts.

Louis is observing his brother for quite long time, his behaviour seems odd today "What is it that is bothering you. Speak!" he firmly said.

Lucas look at his brother and suddenly chuckle shaking his head. Soon his chuckle break into fits of shallow laughter. He evilly smirk "Do you remember how our mother died"

Louis expression turns cold. His eyes is emotionally " What are you trying to say!" he coldly asked.

Lucas expression turns cold like his brother "Do you know what's Cole mother name!"

"What her name?" Louis asked

"Tiara Russell" Lucas said coldly.

Louis expression turn fierce. The glass that he was holding shatter into pieces with his grip. Like a mantra his brain chanting one name "Tiara Russell"

It all started with her....