Chapter 66 (The final chapter)

Louis with his group of military officers march towards the area. After 2 hours of their journey they finally reached the destination.

The area is rough and mountainous as if no one could image that country biggest wanted criminal base would be located here. They reach the area "Now we won't go front the front but we will take that forest in the left. It's not only short cut but it will lead us to their base and one more thing follow my lead there are many hidden bombs" Louis instructed.

Slowly and steadily they followed Louis. After 30 minutes of walking they could see the base from a far. Between the mountains a well developed base had been created. The whole base is guarded with bodyguards and various hidden alarms.

"What now? boss" Commander Kane asked.

"We will wait till it's get dark and look at that gate" pointing towards the right "That is once of the entrance and seems it's not guarded properly. With the help of the bushes we will cover ourselves and slowly crawl towards that gate" Louis instructed.

Soon it's the night time. The soldiers slowly crawl towards the right entrance without making any noise but suddenly a guard eyes fell on them but he could react Louis twist his neck from the back. Slowly Louis march inside, he instructed with his hand 'it's time' understanding soldiers release sleeping gas covering their mouth.

Soon the guards started to fall asleep.

Everyone get separated Louis saw the silver door and open it. He saw Mira unconscious tied to chair. Rage spread inside him, he move towards Mira "Mira open your eyes, wake up. Look I'm here, see I found you"

Slowly Mira open her eyes blinking several times "Lou....Louis it's's really you. I'm not hallucinating."

"Yes it's me. let me free you" Louis softly said and opened the rope.

Suddenly something cold pressed at his back "Not so fast Louis Colleen" Cole coldly said pressing revolver at his back.

Louis turn his head looking at Cole "Long time brother" Louis said smirking.

Cole eyes turn cold, seeing the smirk plaster across Louis face he equally meet his smirk "Longtime no see brother" Cole venomously spat.

Louis expression completely turn cold "It's between you and me, leave Mira out of this"

Cole click his tongue "Tsk tsk brother everything that is related to you is equally concern me. Be it Mira or that bastard child of yours, poor child couldn't able to see the world"

Louis flare his nostril in anger and punch Cole jaw which lead him losing his hold on revolver. Seeing the gun on the ground Louis kick it pushing it at the corner of the room before Cole could retrieve it.

Cole eyes turns murderous, he furiously throw punches across Louis face. Louis continuously tries to block his punch. The fight turn ferocious between them. Samira enters the room seeing Louis her eyes widen seeing the gun on the ground she took it.

"Stop" Samira shouted pressing revolver against Mira.

Louis stop, seeing Louis distracted Cole knock him down on the fall. He throw several punches and kicks on Louis. Louis cough spatting blood from his mouth. His gaze meet Mira eyes which is blurred with tears.

"Please stop ....please stop" Mira said whimpering.

"Stop it bitch, stop with your crying" Samira hiss.

Cole look at disfigure face of Louis and Mira who is crying desperately. Seeing them in pain brings greater satisfaction to him "Cry Mira, cry harder! today I will avenge my mother. I have been waiting for this day for so long. I will take everything that is belong to me from you. My mother died because of your mother and asshole father of mine." he said, breathing in satisfaction.

Louis cough, he struggle to stand "it's your mother that my mother. Your mom come in between my parents and you are just product of your mother crazy obsession towards my father" he said while groaning.

Cole eyes turn black, he furiously kick Louis stomach "shut up! Shut up! it's your mother, it's you, how dare you to say something like that about my mother. I will kill you, I will destroy everything related to you"

Cole look at Samira "Kill Mira. I want to see the pain in Louis eyes losing his beloved"

"You.....Don't" Louis groan

Samira smirk "As you say" she pull the trigger.

"Not so fast" said someone putting gun at Samira back. Everyone move their face towards the voice.

It's Lucas.

Cole gritted his teeth seeing someone ruining his plan. He look at Samira, a communication pass through their eyes. Understanding what Cole is going to say Samira nodded and throw the gun towards Cole. Seeing the gun flying towards him, Cole wasted no time and caught hold of it, he first shoot Samira head, Samira who never saw this coming now lying on the ground death 'I had to kill you as you have become my liability now' he thought.

"Let me out or I will kill him" Cole said pointing his gun towards Louis.

Mira was horrified with sudden turn of event "No..."

Lucas gritted his teeth looking at sudden turn of event "Don't do anything I will move" both Mira and Lucas move. Still pointing his gun towards Louis "You come with me" Cole took hold of Louis. Cole get out of the room taking Louis with him "Don't follow me" Cole said looking Mira and Lucas.

"Louis...." Mira desperately shouted.

"Calm down Mira nothing will happen to brother trust him" Lucas said.

"But..." Mira desperately look at Lucas and he gave her reassured smile "Come let's follow them"

Cole and Louis exit the room. Louis look at Cole who is still pointing the gun towards him. Cole moving his head trying to find any guard "No one will come, you are surrounded by my soldiers" Louis said smirking.

"I will kill you" Cole venomously spat but before he could do anything Louis move fast twisting Cole hand. Cole cried in pain and his hold on the gun loosen. Seeing the opportunity Louis catch the gun releasing bullet at the middle of Cole's head.

Cole fall down on the ground lifelessly.

"Louis" Mira call him from behind. Louis turn his head towards Mira and open his arms for her. Mira rushes towards him and get inside his embrace "I was so scared. I felt so helpless"

" are save....our child is save" Louis softly murmur. Both of them embrace each other for quite long time. Everyone look at the couple with smile warmly.

"It's time to go home" Louis said.

"But I don't understand why Cole had grudge against you and how Samira ...." Mira asked looking at Louis in confusion.

"I will tell you everything but first let's go" Louis said looking at Mira.

"Okay let's go" Mira said looking at Louis.