'Cries of a baby? What happened? Why would a baby be here?'
I tried opening my eyes. I couldn't. Dammnit. Why did it come to this?
______ 5 hours earlier ______
"Let's go and slay this demon king. We came this far! We won't lose here!"
"""" Yeah!!! Let's do it! """"
Our party of heroes to save the world was summoned about 12 years ago. Since then we fought a lot of wars against humans and demons alike. And we finally made it to the demon king. The summoners said, once we slay him we could go home again to the time we were summoned. That would be my 7-year-old body back on earth. I still remember how shocked I was when I was teleported into this fantasy world of swords and magic. For me, as a seven-year-old, that was probably the most shocking thing ever. Well, we trained and overcame the shock pretty fast. Responsible for that was mostly the fact: Magic exists!
When we finally came before the demon king and fought bravely, we lost many of our long term companions. One could say childhood-friends. But in the end, we made it. We defeated the king.
I thought I could see my parents again. It probably would become awkward pretty fast. I mean I have the consciousness of a 19 years old teenager. To think to return would become such a hassle. Living as a child again. I didn't think about that.
But when I blacked out the last thing I saw was not the summoning circle, with which I came here, and would have brought me back, or so they said. There was just a warped appearance of the room we fought and then blackness.
______ present ______
Well, great! I have an ominous feeling about that baby cry. T_T