A Photo To Remember

"What kind of bet?" Min Ju asked curiously.

"Win the National Gaming League." Qing Wu Yao replies directly. He crossed his legs and looked cooly at Min Ju.

"What's in it for me?" Although Min Ju decided to go to the Nationals this December. That was to meet Qing Shen Yi and defeat him. But since a bet was made, of course Min Ju was already 200 percent sure to put all of her best effort.

"I'll give you anything you ask for."

'If you ask for my time. Sure, I'll give all my time for you.' Qing Wu Yao smiled at the thought.

"And what if I lose?" Min Ju raise her brows. She doesn't have anything to give him.

"You'll gave me anything I ask for. Don't worry, I'm not a materialistic person. Since, Han Lian said that you are pretty good, I'm sure you won't disappoint. Still, I want my brother to win the nationals." But I'm betting on you too. Qing Wu Yao swallowed this last words.

He have a feeling that his beloved younger brother will suffer defeat in the near future.

Does this mean that he bet in an already losing battle?

Qing Wu Yao, good. Very good.

"Hey brats! Are you enjoying yourself. Why don't we take photo for a remembrance." Old Man Xiao barge into the living room with his loud voice.

"You know, a photo to remember." Grandfather Fu said calmly. This day, it seemed that his granddaughter is enjoying herself with so many friends.

Grandfather Fu was happy that his granddaughter is happy.

Days like this made him unusually calm. It's just that, he was worried about his grandson out there. Thoughts of Min Jun's corpse greatly terrified him. What will happen to his granddaughter then?

"Groupie!!!" Shouted Old Man Xiao and everybody instantly pose for the photo. He Rue hugged her father. Min Ju kissed her grandfather Fu's cheeks. Lin Zhu, Qin Wuxie made a victory sign while beaming. Han Lian and Qing Wu Yao smiled at the camera.


There was grandfather Xiao making a derp face all on his own.

It was funny. And the picture is a moment to remember.

"One more!"

Min Ju close her eyes while smiling, feeling the whole warmth of this people.

This is the kind of warmth she wanna felt.

The kind of warmth a family supposed to have.

... ... ...

"Juju, Wu Yao. Come here, I wanna take a photo of the two of you."


Min Ju and Grandfather Fu looked at Old Man Xiao incredulously.

This old man...is he pairing up my granddaughter to that man?

However, when he saw that Min Ju and Qing Wu Yao looked good together, Grandfather Fu shut his mouth.

A man like that can only be his granddaughter's husband...

"Say, Hurrah!"


Old Man Xiao click the camera. He looked at it happily.

Hehehe, I can show this to the whole Qing Family.

"One more. Closer together, please. Wu Yao put your arms around Min Ju's shoulder."



Min Ju and Qing Wu Yao stared at each other for a moment.

"Go ahead. I don't mind." Min Ju smirk ls at him.

The moment Qing Wu Yao put his arms around his shoulder, Min Ju stiffened and then relax before brushing off the things she thought earlier.

I don't have time for that. She thought.

"1, 2,3! Say love!~"


The others inside cannot help but also shout love despite the fact they weren't in the photo.

The day ended just like that. Old Man Xiao snap a handful of memorable photos of them. Including Han Lian and Lin Zhu dancing. Uncle He and Ki Shuang playing beer pong that Uncle He learned abroad.

Min Ju also take a photo with her two cute grandfather secretly. Of course, she want to include all of it in her memory book.

If Min Jun was here, he'll probably have so much fun...

After that, Min Ju slip in the garden to get some fresh air.

... ... ...

Grandfather Fu walked towards Old Man Xiao and Qing Wu Yao.

He sat with them as he drank his beer.

The two were talking about the military and although Grandfather Fu isn't from the military he was really interested at their topic.

"Did you really see him, Yao'er?"

"Yeah. I can't possibly be wrong. He's here in China and I don't know what his relation with the Su's. I only saw him once with the Su daughter."

"That Su Mei was always with this middle-age man. I was shocked when I saw An Yang with her one time."

The two knitted their brows and Grandfather Fu followed suit. He had known a person named An Yang in the past when he was in one of his business trips. He was a fit middle-aged man. Very charming and magnetic but there was something dangerous that Grandfather Fu feel about that man, so he rejected all of his proposal.

And now, he was hearing that man is hanging out with one of his granddaughter in the Su Family? Although he weren't fond of the two, he still considered them as his distant granddaughter.

Min Ju is still the best granddaughter he ever have. So, shoo to those two. They already have a grandmother so he will be the best grandfather Min Ju has ever have.

"Do you know An Yang, Old Fu?" Old Man Xiao turn to Grandfather.

"I met him once when I went to abroad to review his proposal. His business ideas is good but I can't shake the feeling that he's very dangerous." Grandfather Fu explain. He still remembered those eyes who looks at him like he was a dead man. He cannot help but shuddered.

"You made a good choice, Grandfather Fu. That man...is really dangerous." Qing Wu Yao's eyes narrowed. He was the one why Old Man Xiao was alone for years.