An Unfair Fight (1)

Min Ju smiled brightly as she looked in front. Half listening and half talking to Lin Zhu. She hold her chin using both of her palm and said, "What do you think, Lin Zhu? Mission impossible? Or mission possible?" She gave him a side eye glance.

"Isn't it obvious? It's mission possible. With your friends and family supporting you, believing in you, we know that you can do it."

Min Ju close her eyes. 'And I'm afraid that all of you would end up disappointed.'

She writes everything that needed to be written in her journal.

She then proceeded to listen at the professor's lesson.

'I won't fail. I won't. I hold on to that faith.'

'That's a promise.'


An Yang was holding into a newspaper reading that piece of article about his beloved Su Mei when the door in his office opened with a bam.

A girl strode in wearing the uniform of First Ace University. The female has on an ugly expression.

An Yang laughed seeing her. "I'm not impressed. That was your plan? Spread false rumors about her? That was a child's play."

The female took a deep breath as she harshly loosened down her tie.

'Min Ju, you bastard. How can you steal his attention? I still haven't made my move and you already stole him away from me.'

"Dear, stop crying. Qing Wu Yao doesn't deserve your tears. Why don't you cry for me instead?" He put the down the newspaper in the mahogany desk. The picture of Su Mei reflected in the eyes of the female and she said nothing.

"Shut up."

"I gave you my power. Why did you not use it?"

"That's my trump card, a**hole."

An Yang lean on his chair. His mood relax and not strain. "You're rather fiesty. That's what I like about you. Although you are both the same, I prefer you more than her. That woman is kinda stupid. She's not smart like you. Being a low key cunning b-tch."

The girl frown. Her dark long hair compliments her pail skin. If one compare her with Min Ju she won't be overshadowed.

However, that temper and dark vibes of her will definitely overshadowed by Min Ju's brightness.

"Don't talk about her like that you son of a dog." She slam the table.

"I stick up with you but I won't let you bad mouth others other than Min Ju!"

An Yang stared at her darkly with dangerous eyes. "Keep it down, will ya?" His voice was impatient.

"Your emotion is erratic because of jealousy. How pathetic. Qing Wu Yao isn't even yours but you act like he was your boyfriend." He click his tongue.

"What do you know? Have you ever fallen in love with another?!"

This time, An Yang lose his patience and he slam the desk heavily.

"Love? I don't need love in my life! It's a burden." He tried to calm down. The veins showing on his face and neck almost made the girl peed her skirt.

"Leave. Leave right now." He said through gritted teeth and sat down.

The female stomped her feet and run.

'Love, huh? Now that I think about it, all my life I have never felt love nor have I fallen in love with the opposite gender.'


'Because of that crazy little thing called love, Old Man Xiao had suffered.'

'Love is a weakness. A burden.'

"And unforgivable."


"Hey, Min Ju. Aren't you going to the cafeteria?" Lin Zhu tried to woke up Min Ju who had fallen asleep.

"I'm sleepy. Could you buy me a drink? Grape soda would be nice." Min Ju replied without lifting her head.

She was suffering a severe headache. Causing for her of having difficulties to concentrate.

"Okay. Wait for me then."

Min Ju fluttered her eyelids and watch the departing back of Lin Zhu. However, her vision seemed to be blurry and fuzzy. She blinks, but this time, her surroundings seemed to double.

Even though the weather is very hot she can feel the heat coming from her own body is abnormal.

'I feel drowsy and tired.'

Min Ju closes her eyes.

... ... ...

Min Ju woke up feeling a heavy pat in her upper back. She look up only to feel the pain from her neck and she doesn't really like the light piercing her eyes.

"What?" She asked with irritation.

Suddenly, she felt cold and shivered slightly. She buttoned her blazer and hugged herself. The sudden light movement made her tired. She can feel the rapid palpitation of her heart as she stands up from her seat.

She was face to face with five guys looking like a thugs that you will saw in the street.

"What do you want?" She asked again but the latter just snicker at her.

"You offended someone who you should not offend." The spiky haired one said looking at her mockingly.

"Oh, who is that someone then?" Her lips curled. Even smiling is difficult. Min Ju felt really dizzy.

'Damn it. Earlier, I felt cold. Now I'm sweating a lot. And this headache won't fade!'

"What's wrong girly?! Are you having problems? Your skin is flushing red." They all laugh.

"Seems like we're lucky today. They said she have a heavy kicked, right? Looking at it right now she doesn't even have the strength to defeat us."

"Ha! Lucky!~ This girl might be having a problem. This is our chance guys! Let's beat her just like the boss said!"

The few of them swing their fist and weapon in the air and charge towards Min Ju.