Mine (1)

Min Ju and Qing Wu Yao arrived at X Corporation. It wasn't the tallest building but it was the most eye catching one.

The security bowed at him. However, Qing Wu Yao didn't enter the building. He stops in front of the security waiting for them to bow to her.

"Bow to her." He said with creasing brows. He really needs to tell the employees that the real owner is here.

The two security immediately bowed respectfully to Min Ju. There were questions behind their eyes.

"They don't have to, you know. I'm not still the owner yet." She said as they enter. Hearing what she just said, the two security stiffened.


"Hump! They should have known that the people I'm with are no ordinary. Besides, you're very special, darling." Qing Wu Yao intimately run his palm through her smooth cheeks. She cannot help but gulp. This Qing Wu Yao's face is really close. Face so beautifully carve and eyes looking so pretty.

Okay, even his perfume is intoxicating.

Kyaahh!!! Someone stop me please before I mark this man!

"Let's go to my office—your soon to be office."

It was quiet on their way since all of the employees are on their designated departments. The hallway is spacious and the tiles is glistening. As expected of the top cleaners in the company. They did a great job.

The both of them entered the elevator and push the top button. Min Ju can clearly see their reflection and smiled.

Qing Wu Yao is so pleasing to the eyes. I can take my eyes off him. If he's a candy I would eat him. Wait, what kind of candy is he, then? A sweet and spicy one? Ohh, yummy!

"You're chuckling. What so funny?" He asked as he looked down to her a little to see her gawking, making an amusing funny expression.

"I was thinking how will you taste." Her straight forwardness made Qing Wu Yao blush.

"You already lick me earlier and you said I was delicious. Did you lie or you just can't get enough?" His smile widened.

Dumbfounded. Min Ju just stared at him with a slight open mouth.

However, the moment her words left her mouth, not only Qing Wu Yao was the one whO heard it but a few people who wanted to enter the elevator. Seeing that the CEO was there, they dared not enter. And thus, the elevator closes its door and proceeded to go up the top floor.

"Did my hearing gone wrong? Did that girl really said, 'Can I lick you again and have a taste?' Oh my god!" An old man clutch his chest.

"I guess the CEO will have an amazing sex life." An another single dog of 30 years said and sigh.

"Who is that girl anyway?" A voluptuous woman with eye glasses looking so strict asked.Her blond her is perfectly bun and her red lips is in a thin line.

"Oi, woman. We know that you like the CEO but don't you dare lay a single claw to that woman. Always remember that those that were with the CEO is no ordinary. So you better back off! You'll be defeated with a KO!" Another girl with a bob cut said. Her looks natural and charming.


"Marry me if you want a taste." He folded his arms and face her with smirk.

"You're moving too fast!" Σ(●д●)

"Isn't that what you're doing?"

Min Ju pouted and narrowed her eyes to him. " Your right. Dont forget to ring then."

Qing Wu Yao raise his hand to pat her head. "How could I forget about that important thing? Moreover, I'll give that ring to you when you're ready."

You need to feel the same way to marry me, Min Ju. Although I'm happy that you said that I knew you're not serious about what you're saying right now.

He clenched the small box inside his pocket.


"Ohhh!!! Look at that! We are so high!" Min Ju run towardst he glass window like a child.

Her high spirit lighten up the whole area.

"Wow, this whole floor is your office?" She looked at him.

"Hmm. There's a bedroom on the left where I always slept. If you want to take a nap you can go there."

"Okay. Okay. I'll go and take a nap." Min Ju yawn.


"Is Qing Wu Yao here?" A girl in a red sexy suit asked the girl in the front desk.

The employee looked up and frown a little. She didn't even address their boss as Mister.

"Yes, he arrived earlier. What can we do for you, Miss?" She asked politely.

"I am from Moonlight International, I came here to let him see my new proposal." The woman flick her hair.

"Wait for a minute, ma'am. Let me check out Mr. Qing." The employee called Qing Wu Yao. After a moment she turn back to the girl with a smile.

"I'm sorry ma'am but Mr. Qing is busy."

"What?! But I need to see him! I mean I want him to see my proposal!" She exclaim. The only reason she came here was because of Qing Wu Yao with the reason of letting him see the proposal.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. But Mr. Qing said that he really is so busy that he can't attend to you."

"Fine."With a huff, the girl left. However, the moment the employee turn her head that girl dash inside!

"Hey! Security! Security! Catch that girl!" The hysterical shout of the front desk girl immediately alerted them.

The woman in red instantly entered the elevator and rushly push the top floor button.

The security was a little too late. The elevator she choose was the only one who had a top floor button. They immediately entered the other elevator. After that they all take the stairs.

Meanwhile, the employees that Min Ju and Qing Wu Yao met earlier just left the office after sending their reports. Just at the same time. The elevator open and a woman in red came out. However, they all ignore her since they thought the girl was here to send her proposal.

"Qing Wu Yao!" With a harsh push of the door she shouted his name with secret delight.

But Qing Wu Yao had never lifted his head. "What do you want? I told you I was busy." His tone of voice was cold. He had rejected them many times and this woman keep renewing the proposal. He already called her father, the owner of Moonlight International to let her stop. However, the father did not even know that his daughter keeps coming back in X Corporation.

"I wanted to see you."