Viral (2)

"I was pissed off. Grandma Shi really is greedy." Min Ju shakes her head in disappointment. She was loved by her grandfather wholeheartedly, but in return she betrayed him.

"Min Ju, it might not be my place to say this but you should stay away from the Su Family." Wu Ai Ni said. Now that she found out that Min Ju can afford expensive things Grandmother Shi would definitely take measure to come and try to manipulate her.

"I'm not the one who should stay away, their family is. This family keeps following my shadows just to harm me. I didn't do anything." Min Ju can't believe that Su Lei really is the dangerous one between the two sisters. Su Mei might be an awful person but she doesn't hide it to anyone. However, on the otherhand, Su Lei had really conceal her self well. Just like a two-faced bitch in the novels that she had read. Su Lei was the most dangerous one...

"Let's continue our shopping. Aunt Wu, we should buy bikinis. Do you want the sexy one or this modest one?" Min Ju took the two bikinis she saw and showed it to Aunt Wu.

Aunt Wu blushes. She's already in middle thirties if she wore a sexy type bikini she don't know if it's look good on her.

"I...I think I'll take the modest one."

"Okay. Then, I think I'll take a sexy bikini. I'm going to used it to seduce Qing Wu Yao! Hahaha!" Min Ju laughed out loud.

Min Junlin who was with her cannot help but twitch his eyes and lips.

"He's probably going to droll, big sis!"

"Be careful though. He was still a man." Min Junlin kindly advice. What if Qing Wu Yao cannot control himself and awaken his beast?! Something steamy might happen!!!


"Achoo! Achoo!" Qing Wu Yao rubbed his nose. "Is someone talking about me? Probably my sweet cookie."

"Sir, I have some bad news."


Qing Wu Yao's subordinate open his mouth and the moment his sentence ended. Qing Wu Yao's eyes shrank.

"What did the Su Family did?!" In his anger he slaps the table.

"This happened earlier, sir. The video has gone viral." The man showed his laptop and tap to play the video. In the past hours, there are some people who tried to make a meme of it where Min Ju got slap. The others make a repeated gif of it.

Someone is making a mock out of Min Ju! Should he interfere in the situation? He knew that his girlfriend is a badass and definitely would take care of it or just leave it alone since she doesn't care about it.

"Find out who are these people and monitor their moves. We're going to take care of them."

"Yes, sir. Right away."


Hm?A message from his cookie bear?

What is this?

"Hey cookie! Look at this! I'm going to wear this one in the beach outing!" That was the written message. Following that, there was an attach phot a sexy maroon bikini.

"Looking forward to it!" Qing Wu Yao replied.

Receiving Qing Wu Yao's reply, Min Ju cannot help but let out a "hihi" laugh. There was this weird expression on her face that really bothers Min Junlin. It was an expression that looked like she was up to something perverted?

Min Junlin just shook his head and just muttered, "Weird, but in a good way."

The viral video reach Old Man Xiao and Grandfather Fu who was vacationing in Hawaii. They immediately book a ticket fly back to Beijing.

Old Man Xiao doesn't want to use his jet plane. He doesn't want to tip his enemies that he was now close with Grandfather Fu and Min Ju. He don't want them to be implicated.

"That Su Gen! How dare he slap my granddaughter!" Shouted angrily by Grandfather Fu.

"What are you going to do, Old Fu?"

"I'm going to settle things with them. I want them to stay away from Min Ju!"

"Do you want me to do with you?" Ask Old Man Xiao.

"No. You said that An Yang might be in the Su Family, right? You should not show yourself then. He might do something terrible."

Old Man Xiu snickered. "Oh? Are you worried about me Old Fu? Hihihi!"

"Worried about you? Haha, in your dreams! If something happens to you, My Min Ju will be sad."

"HAHAHA!" Old Man Xiao pat Grandfather Fu's back with a great thud on his back.

"Just admit that you are worried about me. Don't used our granddaughter as an excuse." Old Man Xiu laugh out loud again attracting so many people's eyes in the plane, probably because they got disturbed.

Grandfather did not answer and just click his tongue.

"Arara! You really are worried about me!"