
In the Fu Manor, quite a few people were busy doing their work. The simplistic looking Manor instantly filled color.

"What about the napkins? Is it all ready?" Aunt Wu asked one of the maids.

"Yes, the napkin was made into a rose."

In the living room, two old men sat in the sofa. One was eating snacks and the other was in his phone.

"Yeah, it's my granddaughter's 19th birthday. You should be glad that I invite you Old Wu." Old Man Xiao said.

"Yeah, I'm glad. I'm glad. Happy now?" The old Wu on the other line replied.

Grandfather Fu rolled his eyes seeing Old Man Xiao. He had no other real friends so he was bored to death. Which means, he was always been with Old Man Xiao to release some boredom and stick himself to wherever he goes. He have no friends to socialize with! His fake friends in social circle is giving him headache, he had no time to waste on those people.

"How's the food? It should be delicious! Let me have a taste!" He Rue excitedly took out a tasting spoon, taking a taste test to all the dishes to be serve at the celebration later!

"Me too! Me too!" Min Jin also taste the food.

"Hey, you two. Stop it. You can taste all the food later!" Mi Yin let out a chuckle. How could she not? These two were still drooling and wanted to steal a spoonful of food. The chefs on the side already has a weird expression in their faces.

"Hehe. Chefs continue on. We're gonna watch what you're doing instead." He Rue wipe the imaginary drool at the corner of her lips as she laugh sheepishly.

However, her excited demeanor betrayed her. She was holding a spoon and a fork looking with sparkling eyes at all the chefs!

"..." The chefs remain silent and continued doing their work. If they didn't, how could they face old man Xiao?!

Back to Min Ju's side, she began to realize why all the people in the house wasn't there! It's because they are preparing for her birthday! Hehe, surprise! surprise!

Given as she realize at what is going on. Min Ju knew for a fact that Qing Wu Yao bring her here was that they could prepare for her birthday in the Fu Manor! I'm so smart!

Looking at her eyes turning into crescent, Qing Wu Yao was in a daze. What is she planning? He instinctively thought. Is she thinking something naughty again?

However, Qing Wu Yao was overthinking things.

Min Ju was just so happy today. But before she could clap her hands and laugh. It was as if a cold water was splash into her entire being.

Today, is also Min Jun's birthday. How could she be happy?

Her happiness dampened a little. And she slap her little face causing Qing Wu Yao to stared at her in surprise.

Oh, stop thinking, Min Ju! Do you think Min Jun will be happy seeing you like this?!

A warm sensation touch her left cheek, causing her to come back to earth. She stared at Qing Wu Yao who was gently rubbing the cheek she had slap.

"What came in your mind to slap yourself like that?"

"It's nothing, I was so stupid that I completely forgot that today is my birthday!" Min Ju laugh heartily.

"You were busy these days..." Qing Wu Yao mess up her hair by rubbing her head.

"Hey! Don't ruin my it. I did my hair to look beautiful for you!" She slap his shoulder but Qing Wu Yao evaded it. Her hand swings in midair.

"Don't you dare avoid it!" Min Ju glared "angrily" at him.

Qing Wu Yao guffawed. This woman have a heavy hand. It will definitely hurt! A slap corresponds to a normal punch of Min Ju.

"Catch me if you can!" With that, Qing Wu Yao ran towards the Manor in a fast speed.

Min Ju stomped her foot and follow him. Qing Wu Yao would stop whenever she was too far away from him but when she got nearer, he would ran away immediately while laughing at her.

"You! Don't run!" Min Ju shouted. Brows creasing. She was just playing "angry" but now she was piss! She can't even land a hand on him. This guy is playing with fire! Grr!