Warning and Seeking For Help (1)

Noticing her gaze from the old woman. Aunt Jackson smiled and immediately introduce her mother to Min Ju.

"Min Ju, this is my mother."

Mother? Min Ju was surprise but she immediately covered it up with a smile. She didn't notice that this old woman from the underground arena is a foreigner since she speaks Chinese so fluently. Furthermore, many people here in Beijing is half-half.

"Hello, grandma Jackson." Min Ju greeted.

Old woman Jackson smiled and hugged Min Ju. She tapped her back with a light tap.

"Here, this is my gift for you." There was mysterious light coming from the old woman's eyes as she looked at Min Ju. Min Ju notice the look, the old woman was clearly trying to hint something to her.

"Thank you, Grandma."

"Come on in. I'll introduce you to my grandfathers."

Qing Wu Yao looked at the few Jackson men. One of them was clearly familiar to him. He was one of the famous businessman abroad.

Riley Jackson. He was 13 years older than him.

On the other hand, Riley Jackson also scrutinized Qing Wu Yao. He also recognize this face the moment he saw him.

He is Qing Wu Yao. The popular bachelor in the business world who manages the Xiao Conglomerate.

What is his relationship with Min Ju-sis?

In the yard, the Jackson family saw a lot of guest. One of them is a very familiar one.

"Old Xiao!" Aunt Jackson said upon seeing Old Man Xiao in one of the tables.

Hearing his name called. Old Man Xiao immediately turn his head to follow the direction of the voice.

"Meghan Jackson? Old Jackson?" Old Man Xiao question.

"Who are you calling old?! Hmp!" Old woman Jackson coldly harrump and sat down at one of the available tables which was in front the table of Old Man Xiao.

"You still haven't change, Old Jackson." Old Man Xiao heartily rubbing his beard.

But wait...why are they here?

"Aunt, you actually know grandpa?"

"Grandpa? What?" Aunt Jackson looked at Min Ju in surprise. Furthermore, her sons also have the same expression. If this prominent old man is Min Ju's grandfather then why did she work as hard ant as if she was a poor person?

"Haha, Ju'er I didn't know that you knew one of my family friends. Where are their gifts? Did they give something expensive to you?" Old Man Xiao cunningly smile.

'Uh-oh.' the Jackson family whisper in their mind.

This old man is going to extort them!

"Yup. They have." They the one who help me about where I am now...

Hearing her answer, Old Man Xiao was like a deflated balloon. He doesn't have a reason to extort them of expensive gifts for her. Sigh.

The Jackson family sighed in relief. If Old Man Xiao knew that they didn't bought her gifts this old man will definitely try to spit out some gold and give it to her with all the credits on him.

The reason why they haven't bought gifts is because they have no idea what to give her. Is their presence enough?

... ...

The party continued under the moonlight. The music instruments played. The chatters of everyone can be heard.

"What?! This man is your fiance?!" The eldest Riley Jackson exclaim. He thought that the reason why he is here because of Old Man Xiao. The true honor of the Xiao Conglomerate. Moreover, Old Man Xiao also have the military power and all of these will probably end up to Qing Wu Yao since Old Man Xiao doesn't have any other family.

Riley Jackson sighed in relief. If Min Ju-sis can marry someone like him, he and the others would not be so worried about her.

"What? Am I not worthy enough for Qing Wu Yao?" Min Ju asked Riley Jackson smilingly. Hearing her questions Qing Wu Yao narrowed his eyes to Riley.

'Boy, do you think my prowess is not enough to make your company go bankrupt? With the power of the Qing and the Xiao I definitely can!' Qing Wu Yao thought. There was a hint of jealousy under his abyss-like eyes. Though he was handsome this Riley Jackson can compare to his appearance at all.

Now Qing Wu Yao knows that he is not the only handsome person in Beijing after this Riley Jackson breathe same air as him and walked the same earth as him.

Riley and the others shook their head.

"Worthy. You are worthy." Aunt Jackson said.

"Min Ju-sis. You really have good eyes!" The second eldest laugh out loud.

He had heard rumors and praises about this Qing Wu Yao abroad.

Who would have thought that Min Ju-sis will be the one to catch the big fish?