A Note From Su Mei

Qing Wu Yao came back with two hot choco. One for Su Mei and one for his beloved.

"Thanks, Qing Wu Yao." Su Mei said and carefully take a sip.

"I came here just to give you this. I have to go." She said. Su Lei will definitely be suspicious if she arrive late at home. She had sneak out without their knowing.

After bidding her goodbye. Su Mei left. Her figure disappeared as she blended in the dark.

When she got home a slap immediately landed on her delicate cheeks. A stinging red palm print plastered on the pale cheek.

"Where did you go!" At the same time a woman's angry voice landed in her ears.

"Su Lei...I only came out for a while to get some fresh air. My project has ended and the company hasn't give me a new one yet. I'm really bored." Su Mei explain holding her reddened cheek.

Su Mei finally knew the true color of her sister. Now that their parents isn't here she was acting like she was the boss in the house.

She even dismiss all the servants just to boss her around. Su Lei wants her to stay in the house. The reason why Su Lei keep her on house arrest is because she found out that Su Mei might have heard about their plan. She was eavesdropping in the office without their notice at first. Fortunately, one day, one of An Yang's men called her out.

All her big plans will be ruin if Su Mei would spoil it and alarm Min Ju!

"You better not be lying to me, Su Mei. Or else I might forget that you are my sister." Su Lei said coldly. She flick her sleeve and left with a cold hmm.

... ...

"Do you want to open it?" Qing Wu Yao's deep voice sounded. Min Ju has been lookong intently at Su Mei's gift for almost five minutes. Min Ju was as if she completely forgot about his presence.

"Yeah." Min Ju replied with a small husky voice. Her throat is dry o she decided to take a sip to her Choco first before opening Su Mei's gift.

There was a black leather notebook and good looking bracelet. Min Ju put down the bracelet at the table. There was something urging her to open the notebook right away.

The first page have already been written. It was Su Mei's handwriting. As Min Ju read the words in the page, she cannot help but grip the notebook tight. There was also codes written at the end.

Su Mei was apologizing about what she did in the past towards her and towards Grandfather Fu. Furthermore, she also apologizes why their abandoned her by choosing them, choosing Su Ge and divorce Min Zhe.

Su Mei also stated that she knew how to change and has been reflecting about herself for the past few months. However, her feelings towards Su Lei and An Yang has turn timidity and fear towards the both of them.

As much as she want to apologize for what Su Lei did for stealing Min Ju's hard work. Su Mei can't do anything because she isn't Su Lei, and not the one who holds her decision.

Su Lei was determined to make Min Ju suffer.

Su Mei warn Min Ju to be careful around Su Lei. She was afraid that Su Lei is dead set to eliminate and steal everything away from Min Ju. And that includes Qing Wu Yao.

Su Lei's obsession towards the man has turn to the point of no return. She has lost her insanity from jealousy and blind love towards him.

"Min Ju...Beware. An Yang and her plan to kill you as soon as there was time in their hands. There's no giving up inside their vocabulary. They do whatever they want with benefits or not." Su Mei's letter hasn't ended with this words. She also elaborated why An Yang was so hell-bent on killing her.

Min Ju's thoughts immediately began running from Su Mei's notes. It was a great help that Su Mei gave her. She also began analyzing and deciphering the codes that was put in the letter.