Chapter 24

After making such a glaring mistake in managing his house-elves, Chad thought now would be a good time to look over his other minions for any oversights. First on the list was the new 'recruits' that Tooky was training. Chad thought that if there was going to be a problem, a slaving operation run by house-elves would definitely be it! But after a guided tour by the uncharacteristically calm elf, Chad had nothing but praises for the elf and only one small change to enforce.

Tooky had modelled the servant training after house-elf ethics, and one such value was not costing your master galleons that could be better spent elsewhere. This trickled down into spartan living arrangements that were much like Harry Potter's cupboard under the stairs. Chad could only cringe at the wizards and witches clothed in rags and crammed in tiny cubbyholes. After having Tooky supply them with a standard uniform and create some decent rooms in the underground base that was beneath the Mesopotamian Incorporated building, Chad praised the elf for a job well done.

Not one of the recruits had even lasted two seconds under the pain enforced by their magical contracts, and if it caused you soul-searing torture to think about certain things, well, you learnt pretty quickly to not think about them! Aside from the clothing and housing dilemma, Tooky was doing well. And after a report on the ninja roaming team and the mining operation in Australia, Chad thought that maybe there were no problems with his people and the house-elf thing was a one-off. That was until his ninja elf popped him over to see Crystal.

Crystal had somehow managed to buy a building in the heart of the City of London. It was right next to a church where King William Street and Gracechurch Street met. She had brought in a team of house-elf renovators and quickly had the place looking respectable enough to be the HQ of Elfin Inc. However, Chad was puzzled to find out she was alone in the building and the three girls that had been recruited to help her were missing. Since none of the new wizard recruits had not yet been trained enough to act as bodyguards, only two ninja elves were present to guard her, but they could hardly help Crystal run a business.

The shocked reaction when he knocked on the door and the startled 'deer in the headlights' look when she saw who it was, confirmed his suspicions that something was wrong. A quick mind probe soon had him mentally cursing himself for being careless when he examined the page three girls' minds. He had only done a brief mind scan to see if they were intelligent enough to help Crystal, not if they were ruthless b*tches that would go in for the kill if they smelled blood!

"Hey, Crystal. Just wanted to stop in and see how the new girls were getting on. Any problems?" He asked, knowing full well there were.

"Um, n-no, everything is fine! They are just having the day off after putting in an all-nighter. H-how have you been, the Dureslys causing you any trouble?" Crystal nervously replied, hoping to put Chad at ease and change the topic.

Chad sighed at the blatant misdirect attempt and thought it better just to be straightforward. Crystal was just too kind for her own good, and even after experiencing the darker side of humanity, was not ruthless enough to defend herself.

"Oh? Call them up then, we can have lunch together, and you can introduce me as your son. It will be good to get them used to me as we will see each other often."

"Ah, I-I don't think... that would be a good idea. They must be pretty tired!"

"Oh, ok, then schedule lunch for tomorrow."

"They also have tomorrow off." She said weakly.

"Crystal, you do realise that my father left the business for me to run and you to help me, right? If there is a problem, I need to know. And I think you are forgetting that just like with the Durselys, I can use magic to solve any problems."

Crystal was still under the impression that Chad's mysterious father had left him at the Dursely family to hide him from his enemies, and that she was only managing his muggle business for Chad to take over when he was older. Something that he was not going to dissuade her from, much better for her to fear his make-believe father than Chad himself. Knowing that the jig was up, Crystal unburdened herself on him, surprisingly similar to Boppy's episode. There were tears, a bit of blubbering and a whole lot of remorse at having failed Chad.

The problem started only a couple of weeks after the three girls started working for the company. They noticed the glaringly obvious massive amounts of money being thrown around and the vast amounts of land that was purchased. With no clear origin for the billions being funnelled through the company, the girls quite boldly blackmailed Crystal for their silence. Which in hindsight, was a foolish thing to do. Anyone with that kind of money would have the power to disappear some minor celebrities like them as easily as wiping their arse.

Maybe they felt safe after they had teamed up to blackmail Crystal, or thought her the boss since everything was in her name. Their minor fame and public recruitment also could have been behind the courageous act of pissing off a billionaire and blackmailing them for an annual payout of a million pounds each. Either way, they had made a severe mistake in trying to steal from a morally bankrupt reincarnator with a penchant for slavery. The fact that Chad had not been brainwashing and enslaving beautiful women in a fictional world he viewed as his personal playground was already an effort. To have them steal from him was the straw that broke the camel's back!

Chad knew he was a selfish person that saw his reincarnation into the Potterverse as his chance to indulge in all his desires. Hell, R.O.B could have asked a much steeper price than just ruining Dumbledore's reputation, and he still would have agreed! But Chad knew that with his lack of self-control, he would find it a very slippery slope if he started brainwashing hotties into his bed. Chad was honest enough with himself to know that he had brought this on himself in a misguided attempt at showing he was still 'good' and didn't need to brainwash people to work for him.

Wizards automatically got enslaved because he saw them as weapons of mass destruction and too retarded to be left walking around without a leash. But he had fooled himself into believing three beautiful muggle girls would not be a threat. Even his earlier determination to enforce their loyalty was relaxed, and only a muggle contract was used not a magical one. Turns out that a non-disclosure meant sh*t in front of illegal activity and he had picked these girls for their intelligence, not just their beauty. A mistake he would not make again.

From now on, Chad would be doing full scans of a muggle's memories and directly brainwashing them if they meet his criteria of not innocent enough for a free pass. Convenient for a man that was trying to justify the enslavement of beautiful women. But screw the haters. Chad might be a hypocrite, but he was still going to do as he pleased. As long as he was not the one being enslaved, what did he care? After justifying his atrocious and frankly, inhumane actions, Chad set off to gain himself three loyal and dedicated slaves.

"Don't worry Crystal. Tomorrow, they will be here as soon as you open the doors and will be dedicated and faithful. Next time, come straight to me if you run into any problems. You must remember that my family has magic and are not hindered by mundane matters like blackmail."

Before he popped away, he made sure to boost her self esteem and resolve using this incident as the foundation. He thought about enhancing her looks with his new plastic surgery magic but decided to leave it for now. They had just gained some media attention and didn't need to be hounded for the source of 'magical' facelifts and boob jobs. With a nod to his ninja elf, he arrived in front of an utterly surprised woman in a bathrobe painting her toenails. Before she could scream, Chad hit her with a stunner.

It always amazed him how elves knew where to teleport and never seemed to run into any obstacles when warping reality to their chosen destination. Chad had apparated a few times, and with the help of Voldemort's memories, had performed it flawlessly. Even managing to do away with the signature *crack* noise. But it took concentration and a clear picture of the destination. House-elves seemed to do it blindly like they were using the force or something.

The image of Yoda as a house-elf caused him to giggle, something that looked very rapey as he stood over a passed out girl while she was barely clothed. The fact that he was a child just added to the creepiness. Luckily, house-elves are not judgemental and have very skewed views of what constitutes as creepy or weird. Delving into her unprotected mind, he rewrote her personality into a devoted minion that would take a bullet for Chad or Crystal. Any personal relationships were to be cut off, and all the money that was stolen returned.

Since the girls would have no need for money or a social life outside the company, he planned to have Crystal set up a sharehouse for them. More money for the money God!