Chapter 27

For the last week, Chad had been living in a cupboard under some stairs. And it had been magnificent! It had been five years since he started his minions on the path of building him a hotel chain and controlling the media, and it had ended up snowballing into so much work. In another week, Harry Potter would turn eleven and be visited by Hagrid. Not taking any chances, Chad had moved into 'the Freak's cupboard' and reapplied Dumbledore's tracking spells onto his body in preparation.

He had also managed to magically convince Dudley that he had used his freakishness to take his place as the much-loved child of the Dursleys. Thanks to the school year being over, and plans for both children enrolling in different schools, Chad didn't have to worry about mix-ups in public with any friends they made. Dudley would discard the friends Boppy had made with his persona, and an illusion of a healthy Dudley would continue until he reached Smeltings. With Chad's 'dark looks' and mimed impotent rage at the inability to tell the Durselys about role reversal of the children, Dudely, the smug little psycho, jumped straight into his new position as a 'normal' child. He didn't even question the fact that Chad did no chores.

Two weeks before his birthday should be enough time for whatever magical book records his address. Chad needed it to register that lived under the stairs, and since it seemed to describe the size of different rooms, he had not altered it with spatial magic. Honestly, Chad had been looking forward to the time off. With the restrictions placed on him by Dumbledore's tracking spells, he could no longer teleport around with impunity. This was the perfect excuse to take a holiday from all the work his grand schemes had created for himself.

Building a seventy-two-floor hotel in Mayfair, an upscale district of London, was an undertaking requiring many hours of work to get approvals and permission just to be allowed to start building. Then had come the designing phase that needed to account for all of Chad's unreasonable ideas and extravagance. When they finally broke ground and construction started, people appeared out of the woodwork to oppose him and cause trouble. Whether it was snobs living in Mayfair complaining about 'not being the right sort' or corrupt inspectors looking to make some easy money, every cliché villain came to bother him. Thankfully, he had magic.

Chad was so annoyed by the interruptions to the building schedule, that his responses had been a little harsh. All the upper-class muckety mucks had been mind-read and brainwashed into signing everything they owned over to Chad once their deepest and darkest secrets had been found out. There had only been two out of the whole group that was only guilty of being arrogant and annoying. They had been 'persuaded' that a luxury hotel was just what Mayfair needed. The inspectors had just been directly 'inducted' into his workforce to help smooth any further obstacles to his plans.

His brothel had been a roaring success after he had his 'waitresses' visit every pub/nightclub and advertised the Devil's Playground. With a wizard slave to empower contracts for 'first-timers' with hidden clauses to keep anyone from speaking out about the 'special service' that could be requested, there had been few problems. One was complaints from scorned wives and girlfriends, and the other was a couple of corrupt cops wanting some protection money. Nothing that could not be solved with magic, the most powerful and versatile tool to ever be wielded!

The corrupt cops had been another light bulb moment, and Chad's insidious influence began to spread throughout law enforcement. Anyone 'on the take' had been inducted into a new secret club, the Chad Association, that had rewards for service. Ripping off the law enforcement organisation from The Mentalist, Chad even had the 'tiger tiger' password but was not stupid enough to tattoo his members, at least not with mundane means. With Voldemort's memories, it was simplicity itself to have the creepy Red John smiley face appear on their hands when the password was spoken.

Then had come the report that his mining teams had run into wizards while stripping valuable minerals from the ground in Australia. The wizards had been promptly overwhelmed by the elves and physically knocked out and secured. Chad had teleported over there after creating his own portkey to oversee the situation and come up with a solution. After reading their minds, and finding out that the Australian Wizard community consisted of under two thousand members that were scatted over the country except for the magical town in Sydney, the solution was simple. Enslave them all.

With their obsession for Quidditch, the Australian wizards practically all knew each other. After brainwashing the first few and using them as a means of infiltration, the rest quickly fell like dominoes under an elven assault. The majority signed the Magical Book of Slavery after some 'persuasion' from house-elf interrogators led by Kreacher, and the stubborn ones where directly brainwashed by Chad. It had the added bonus of practising his Legilimency, though very few were trained in Occlumency.

When even the ICW representative had been forced to sign a magical contract, Chad had reassessed the mining operation. In typical house-elf fashion, they had gone a bit overboard and nearly stripped everything of value from the earth. Luckily, Chad had told them to leave the iron ore alone giving Australia at least one mineral to mine to boost its economy. Examining the vast tracts of land that Crystal had continued to buy up in South-Western Australia, he found he owned most of the area from Perth across to Kalgoorlie and then down to Esperance, giving him ownership over most of the peninsula.

Since he owned what passed for the Magical Australian government, the muggle government was now unprotected from his meddling. Following the lead of Leonard Casley who declared himself independent of Australia in 1970, Chad took advantage of the British Treason Act of 1495 and declared an illusioned version of himself king. The Treason Act stated that the de facto king of a nation cannot be guilty of treason concerning any action against the lawful king and that anyone who interfered with that monarch's duties could be charged with treason.

In a move that caused much public outcry and controversy, the Australian government acknowledged Chad's claim as legitimate after winning the majority vote in Parliament. With legal standing and compulsions from elves, anyone south of Perth or within Chad's kingdom, cheaply sold up and moved elsewhere. The urge to migrate was easily explained away when people realised that they would be cut off from any government services like roads, electricity, hospitals or water as it all ran through his land.

The act of succeeding from Australia took a momentous amount of man-hours spent 'recruiting' lawyers, politicians and anyone else needed to make it happen. Chad even had to directly control all forms of media to stem the tides of the backlash from losing the same amount of land as Victoria, not to mention the displacement of people living there. But when their own government made it legal and squashed others that tried to do the same, there was little the public could do about it. Especially when no one really went further than voicing disapproval, those that actually physically protest are always the minority and generally looked down on as 'hippies.'

Because of the need for security with the public outcry from his antics, Chad had created a security firm from any criminal his elves could find. Not keen on brainwashing them individually and them not having enough internal magic to power the pain spells in the standard contract, he had to write up another that just killed disobedient people outright. It was very uneconomical, but at least the meat didn't go to waste with his Acromantula and Dragon farms that were created. They also recruited in groups and made examples of the more unruly muggle criminals to keep the deaths down.

With his new kingdom clearly marked and barred from muggles, Chad relocated every magical animal worth keeping to his land. Much like the mundane wildlife in Australia, the magical ones were also dangerous. Three that stood out were the Billywig, Lethifold and the Antipodean Opaleye. The Billywig had a long, thin stinger at the bottom of its body and was insanely fast. Anyone stung by a Billywig would suffer giddiness followed by levitation which is what gave the Billywig it a rating of XXX. The Lethifold (also known as the Living Shroud) is a carnivorous and highly dangerous magical beast. It is also considered a Dark creature because of its highly aggressive and violent nature, attacking at night when its prey is asleep by suffocating and then digesting it. It had an XXXXX and Chad ordered them killed on sight.

Then there was the Antipodean Opaleye, a breed of Dragon native to New Zealand, but was known to migrate to Australia in search of territory. It was also rated XXXXX but was not particularly aggressive, just a pest that rarely killed unless it is hungry. Any found were overwhelmed by ninjas and moved to the Dragon habitat that was created to be raised for ingredients/materials. It was not the only habitat that was created in his kingdom as the Unicorns and Acromantulas were abducted from the Forbidden Forrest overnight using a house-elf army and storage trunks.

The Acromantulas were beaten into spinning silk in exchange for kangaroos and rabbits, a common pest that was in abundance in Australia. The Unicorns where just fenced off in a section of bush and left alone until he needed hair or horns. There was so much work that continued to snowball from his ideas that it kept Chad, and especially his minions, always busy. Especially once things were stable in Australia and he moved his operations to Africa's East coast to repeat the process once again.

Chad had also concentrated on producing a Media and Entertainment branch of his empire, either buying, enslaving or creating his own news TV and radio programs, Recording Label and Acting Agency. With his eidetic memory of the future, he knew who to recruit and soon had a lot of future big names in both the music and movie industry signing with his companies.

Most of the time it only took throwing money at new bands or actors that were just starting out, but Chad was not afraid to 'influence' the stubborn ones. But he had to be a bit wary of the MACUSA (Magical Congress) when operating in the USA. They had very stringent laws and was heavily policed after having to deal with numerous wizarding criminals who had fled to America from Europe and beyond.

Really, by the time that Chad, or rather Harry Potter, was supposed to receive his letter, he was relishing the chance to relax and play some video games in a cupboard. He was looking forward to shoving all his responsibilities onto his minions. Further increasing their already heavy workloads, and acting like a kid without the weight of the world on his shoulders. Dumbledore's machinations would be a welcome change of pace from the tedious decision making for his growing companies.

Hogwarts would be a much needed holiday, and annoying Snape and Dumbledore with his shenanigans, his reward! Any day now he would be receiving his letter of introduction into the spotlight of Magical Britain.