Chapter 41

Surprisingly, no one spoke to him for the whole double potions class, preferring to instead talk quietly amongst themselves and self-study the potions textbook while pretending he didn't exist. If he had been in Gryffindor, then there would have been near-universal partying and merrymaking for vanquishing the evil Slytherin head of house. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students were more worried about being punished and losing points for being associated with him.

'Bloody goody two shoes.' He thought to himself.

He was once again reminded that they were only eleven-year-old children, and considering the houses they had been sorted into, hardworking teacher's pets. To speak back to a professor and then argue with him until he stormed out was a completely foreign concept to them.

Not to mention that fear of punishment in a government-enforced school was still a threat to them and not the joke it was to today's children. Gaming a broken system would never occur to kids that tried their hardest to gain imaginary points to have their house banner displayed for a couple of hours at the end of year feast.

With his decision to not befriend children once again reaffirmed, Harry spent the rest of the class thinking on how to deal with his spur of the moment outburst. Publically calling out the head of house for Slytherin would see his efforts to stay out of their schoolyard fights moot and even his positive first impression to Malfoy would be wasted by shaming his godfather.

But Harry was not too worried as any small consequences would be far outweighed by not having to have Snape sneering at him for years to come. The rest of the day passed quickly with no incident, not even a summons to the Headmaster's office like he was expecting. But as he strolled into the dining hall, Harry was made aware of just how efficient the school was at gossiping. Even without modern-day tools like phones and social media, rumours travelled fast here.

There was not a single person that was not staring at him thanks to the school rumour mill. Like he suspected, Slytherin was universally staring daggers at him, while the Gryffindor table was openly worshipping the slayer of snakes. The Weasley twins were even vocal in there appreciation yelling out that they were not worthy while bowing in an exaggerated performance of devotion.

Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were just staring at him and then glancing towards the teacher's table where all the staff sat. Dumbledore had his usual twinkly eyes and grandfather appearance while Snape was trying to obliterate him with his glare. Harry just calmly sat down and started eating once he noticed a few plates discretely being swapped out with markings indicating they were safe to eat from.

Since Dumbledore had decided to not do anything, and Snape was still a teacher, then Harry decided to choose a harder path than just publically destroying Snape's reputation. Finally, after finishing his meal, Dumbledore got up and left with a few teachers that had also finished eating. Much to the disappointment of the entire student body that had been hoping for a good show.

Before Snape could retreat in embarrassment from not being able to punish Potter, a letter magically appeared on his plate. Opening it, his glare only seemed to intensify as he read it.

[ Dear Professor Impotent,

Seeing as how Dumbledore failed to either try and punish me or fire you for being a Death Eater, I can only assume he is as insane as he looks.

Since he has left it to us to settle this matter, meet me in your Potions class in ten minutes.

Yours sincerely,

Wizarding Genius. ]

Looking up from the letter, Snape fixed Harry with a furious scowl. After a slight nod, Snape then made a dramatic exit. Harry had to admit, the man knew how to look intimidating with his billowing robes and imperial stride.

Thanks to a double class of self-study, he had prepared for few different scenarios depending on how Dumbledore reacted to the news of his little sacrificial lamb throwing a tantrum. This one had been the least likely to be used in his opinion, as he would have put money on being summoned to the Headmaster's office for the disappointed grandfather act.

With the students leaving in disappointment after tonight's entertainment failed to happen, Harry also made his way out to meet with Snape. Dodging a few enthusiastic Gryffindor well-wishers with a few pleasantries and apologies for prior engagements, he made his way out of sight before a house-elf appeared and teleported him to potions class. He was careful to make sure no magical paintings were spying on him to report his unique form of travel. Although Apparition was prevented in Hogwarts by its wards, house-elves were free to move as they pleased, even with passengers.

Snape walked in to find Harry sitting in the same place he was earlier today with his feet up on the desk. How a first year made a letter appear on his dinner plate and then arrive before him, only made Snape's mood worsen at the implications.

"Get your feet off the table, Potter!" Snape ordered with a sneer.

Harry just smiled and complied, giving the petty tyrant a small win would speed the meeting along so he could concentrate on other matters. It would also have the added effect of quickly solving the issue of having to deal with disgruntled Slytherin bullies with something to prove.

"The reason I have asked you here tonight is to have you reign in your house, so I don't have to deal with their sh*t. Also, for you to actually do the job you are being paid for, teaching potions without being a complete d*ck about it! How do you feel about that?" Harry condescendingly stated.

Snape's frosty gaze turned even more cold as a sneer formed on his disapproving grimace. "You pretentious little child! What makes you think you have any say over how I teach or how Slytherin acts towards you? Typical Potter. Thinks the world revolves around you and you can have your way just because you think you are special! Well, I have news for you! You are NOTHING, and you will thoroughly experience that fact while you attend Hogwarts!"

Harry just laughed at Snape's little tirade. It was clear that he had a lot of unresolved childhood issues. The fact that he had been indoctrinated into a bloodthirsty cult that r*ped and killed those they thought inferior had done nothing to help him adjust into a person capable of teaching children. How people had any sympathy for the man was frankly mindboggling to Harry.

"I thought Slytherin revered cunning, resourcefulness, and ambition. As the head of house, you should be the epitome of these values, or at the very least, be proficient in them!

For reasons that I can not fathom, the wizarding world idolises me, and I have just been introduced back into this world. The Minister of Magic and the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement personally met me at the Hogwarts Express to assure me that I was in no danger and to inform them if I had any problems.

Then we have you, someone that is universally hated by every student that is not Slytherin. I did a bit of checking after your unprovoked attack on me in class, you have the lowest rate of NEWT level students passing ever in Hogwarts history! Couple this with my suspicion that you are a Death Eater, and accusations could be made that you have been deliberately undermining our law enforcement and mediwizards for the past decade!

Now imagine if I called my new friends the Minister, Head of DMLE and Rita Skeeter. What if I then told them about how in front of the entire class, the very first time I met the Potions Professor, he singled me out and then proceeded to mock me.

Not for my behaviour, but for being abducted and forced to live with abusive guardians to keep me ignorant of the wizarding world and my heritage? For not learning the entire potions textbook in a month after being told I'm a wizard, and I may be in danger from a terrorist organisation?

All of this because the Professor in question was part of the terrorist group that brutally murdered my parents and hated me because his leader died while trying to kill a baby. Tell me, oh mighty cunning and ambitious head of Slytherin house, how long would you last in the face of the whole wizarding world scrutinising your every action since you attended Hogwarts?

How would they react if I made accusations that you were training the current Slytherin students in your treasonous political views and forcing them to attack the boy-who-lived because he was responsible for ending the terror of Voldemort? Do you think that the mad old bastard that is our Headmaster would still keep you hired at Hogwarts?

I find it absolutely ridiculous that you were not fired on the spot after you ran to whine to him about a child having the audacity to not put up with your unwarranted and frankly criminal psychological abuse!"

Snape could only stare at Harry in silence as he continuously ranted about how he would whip the magical world into a frenzy and then aim them at him and the Slytherin students. Dumbledore would not be able to shield him from the shitstorm that would ruin his life if this story ran in the Daily Prophet and his Slytherin students were not very discreet with their opinions.

Snape needed to keep this contained! He knew full well how the sheep would react and losing his job would be the least of his worries. Not that Snape actually wanted to stay as the Potions Professor. But the magical oaths he made to Dumbledore and Voldemort would be hard to maintain if he was not allowed to remain at Hogwarts!