Chapter 51

Harry had no idea that Dumbledore had just visited the Dursleys to cover up any involvement and discredit him by cleaning up the cupboard under the stairs.

But it would not have worried him if he knew about it anyway, he was already done with that place. There was simply no need for him to return like canon Harry Potter did, as he was well aware of his heritage and inheritance!

Renting a room permanently in the Leaky Cauldron with his trust fund would have been the logical choice to any but the Weasleys and Harry in the books. If it was fine for him to do it at the start of book three when a supposed violent criminal was chasing him, why was it suddenly not ok any other time?

It was because Dumbledore knew Sirius was innocent and didn't have the Dark Mark on his arm. The blood wards would not have affected him if he decided to suck it up and visit Harry.

Chad had accredited most of the retarded decisions with either magic-induced stupidity or mind magic. Even Hermione, the supposedly smartest witch in the series, never once questioned why Harry was sent continuously back to the Dursley's torture house. It just didn't make sense!

The Ministry now knew where he lived thanks to the owl informing Harry of misuse of underage magic. Hell, there was even a team sent to restore old Marge the Barge back to normal! Dobby confusing the Trace on his wand also showed how flawed the system was and just another one of many reasons Harry should have wised up to the flaws of the wizarding world.

If the team of Aurors didn't notice the blood wards and could enter Harry's house, how secure was it from foreign enemies? Canon Harry had even nearly been killed by Dementors sent to his home! There was no reason that Dumbledore could provide to make him return to number four, Privet Drive.

It was a week until school broke for Christmas holidays and Harry was a bit behind schedule. Although he had no idea Dumbledore had started planning to ambush him, he had already assumed it was a likely scenario after confronting him at the start of school.

For this reason, he had been investigating all magical methods to find someone and come up with counters. So far, Harry had thought of more ways to track someone than any of the books he had seen in the library.

The ones mentioned by notable wizarding publications included:

-The Trace on his wand. Use outside of magical communities or residences would reveal his location.

-Tracking Spell. (Appare Vestigium) is a charm that reveals and illuminates traces of recent magical activity, footprints and can track Apparition sites in an area.

-The Human-presence-revealing Spell (Homenum Revelio) is a charm which reveals the presence of other humans in the surrounding environment.

-Avenseguim. This is a spell able to track an object back to its source.

That was it. In hindsight, Harry should have expected such a weak arse result in his search for tracking methods. If there was an easy way to find people, then criminals and Death Eaters would have been hunted down as soon as they were identified! The second wizarding war would have been over pretty quickly.

But that's not to say there weren't some overpowered methods that were overlooked by wizarding idiocy.

-Owls. They are enlisted to aid communication between wizards. Apparently, owls have a natural affinity to magic and thus can find the recipient of a letter without an address.

-The Patronus Charm. The Patronus (corporeal) could be used as a means of communication. They can deliver messages, speaking with the voice of the caster.

-House Elves and Phoenixes. These magical creatures had an innate talent to find anyone they wanted to and teleport to them.

-The Taboo Curse. This is a powerful spell which designates a keyword to activate and reveal the speaker's location.

Though he had to give credit to both Voldemort and Queer Albus for two of these methods. Harry had searched every book that had ever passed through Hogwarts thanks to his elves hard work, and he had not found the second function of the Patronus Charm or anything on the Taboo Curse.

This meant that Dumbledore had created the communication method of the Patronus, and Riddle had created the Taboo Curse from scratch. There was nothing in Voldemort's memory of the Patronus Charm other than its basic properties since he was unable to cast it, but how he created the Tabbo on his name was easy enough to find.

Harry had to admit he was quite impressed. And much like the methods he used to stop ambient mana from influencing his thinking, the Taboo Curse utilised a combination of various spells. It coupled them together to achieve something the Magical Government should have devised years ago to track the use of the three Unforgivable spells.

It was just another example of how 'Dark' wizards were able to threaten the rest of society with their power. They were nearly always someone that thought outside the box wizard kind had locked themselves into since hiding away from the world under concealing spells.

Coincidentally, more often than not, they ended up confining themselves in magic rich environments that would further cause them to act stupidly. Coupled with pride, this was Harry's best guess why they were so behind their ancestors in advances in magic and the muggles in technology.

They had fought in the second world war against Grindlewald and must have seen muggle weapons. Yet, not one person adapted the automobile, aeroplane, firearm or bombs into a magical equivalent or created protections against them.

Harry was leaning more towards pride for this one. The idea that a muggle could produce something that could compete with magic was simply inconceivable. Though Sirius' motorbike and Arthur's car were exceptions to the rule.

Harry had used his spare time after testing the Room of Requirements to investigate all possible means to track him for when he left the grounds of Hogwarts. While he didn't know if Dumbledore would try to track him down and mind r*pe him, it was best to be prepared.

He had taken all possible precautions to prevent it from happening at Hogwarts just in case Dumbles lost all reason and attacked him, but the old goat had yet to make a move. He had not even tried to summon Harry to his office!

Either way, with the foreknowledge that Dumbledore could utilise the Patronus Charm to find him and communicate, he was not taking any chances. He had devised countermeasures for each method he could think of that didn't already have glaringly obvious weaknesses or protection against. But he had gotten sidetracked halfway through.

The Trace on his wand could be circumvented by depositing it in a sub-space like that of an Undetectable Extension Charm or something similar, and hiding it in an unused base until it was time to return to Hogwarts would be all it took. Though he would miss his wand.

He had become quite attached to it since he began using it to cast spells, it made channelling his magic much more comfortable than just doing it wandlessly. It now made much more sense to him why wandless magic had become nearly non-existent since they were created.

If he had not had extensive practice without using one, he could easily see himself becoming dependant on it. Plus, his wand was made from ash wood and had a dragon heartstring as its core, making it quite suited to him. Ollivander's knowledge on wand lore provided him with why that was.

Ash wands tend to cling to its one true master and ought not to be passed on or gifted from the original owner because it will lose power and skill. This tendency is especially valid if the core is constructed of unicorn hair, though old superstitions regarding wands rarely bear close examination.

Still, it is believed that the old rhyme regarding rowan, chestnut, ash and hazel wands (rowan gossips, chestnut drones, ash is stubborn, hazel moans) contains a small nugget of truth. Those witches and wizards best suited to ash wands are not lightly swayed from their beliefs or purposes.

Dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most magic power and are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands also tend to learn more quickly than other types.

While they can change allegiance if they were won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. Although they were known for being the most prone of the three cores Ollivander used to have accidents, being somewhat temperamental.

When ash wood and a dragon heartstring core were combined together, it had created a wand that would stubbornly cling to its one true master if he was dominant enough to be worthy. It was capable of channelling a lot of magic power for even the most flamboyant of spells and learnt his spellcasting preferences quickly.

Perfect for Harry since he utilised Occlumency and absorbed souls to increase his mental strength and magic. Not needing wand movements or incantations also helped to prove his suitability as the wand's master.

Harry was quite impressed the first time he had used his wand to cast a spell, and after nearly four months of using it could feel how loyal it had become. It had practically become apart of him, like an extension of his arm. Still, two weeks of not using it was a small price to pay to stop a Dark Lord from appearing out of nowhere!

Next on the list was the Tracking Spell, Human Revealing Charm and the Avenseguim Charm. But these were limited to the immediate area or needed a focus like part of Harry's clothing. All he had to do was make sure he left nothing behind that could be used to trace back to him.

If Dumbledore got creative and sent him a letter just to follow the owl to his location, it would be a bit silly if he didn't know how to circumvent it. While the books he had read didn't list it as a means to track someone, they gave three ways to protect against unwanted mail!

-The Repelling Spell is a charm that repels small objects from escaping/entering past the designated border of the spell.

-Disguising Spells was a series of charms that disguised or concealed the caster, thereby preventing anyone from reaching them.

-Masking Spells are a wide range of charms that can be used to mask the presence of a witch or wizard, thereby making them untraceable.

Thus owls cannot be used to track or send post to anyone utilising one or a combination of these spells. It was also a good set of skills to master in general if you wanted to hide or perform magic secretly. Just these alone would cover most of his needs for defence against being found magically.

Tracking the Patronus Charm was slightly more complicated to solve as there was nothing he could find to protect against them since everyone only used them against Dementors. Not as a means of communication.

Since Dumbledore must have been the one to invent that particular function, wizards had not realised how overpowered it was and protected themselves from it. Though, from the many examples of wizards not taking advantage of the near-unlimited application of magic, it was easy to see how they continued to remain oblivious.

The Patronus Charm (Expecto Patronum) is the most famous and one of the most powerful defensive charms known to wizardkind. According to all the books he had read, it is an immensely complicated and an extremely difficult spell, that evokes a partially-tangible positive energy force known as a Patronus. The charm itself was considered advanced magic as very few learnt to cast it successfully.

Since there were no known defences against it other than itself, Harry had to learn the spell and then find a way to protect against it himself. Defending against Dumbledore's Patronus with his own would be moot, as Dumbledore would already have used it to locate him. But if canon Harry Potter could learn it and then go on to teach a bunch of backward wizard children, then it couldn't be that hard.

It took him ten minutes.

Harry had been a bit worried he might fail to cast it with how much the spell was talked up, but it was just a matter of finding the right emotion to use. He had read a few different fanfics that held the theory of weaponising the spell with different emotions, but unfortunately, it didn't work for him.

Harry had sifted through his memories of different emotions with Occlumency and started with the feeling of euphoria he felt when having sex. But this merely had the effect of spewing out an incorporeal silvery fog that indicated a failure.

Cycling through different memories, it wasn't until he used the feeling of when he practised magic for the first time and realised that it could be used to fulfil any and all of his desires that the spell worked as advertised.

According to his research, the Patronus represents that which is hidden or unknown, but necessary within the personality. When a human is confronted with inhuman evil, such as the Dementor, they must draw upon resources he or she may never have needed, and the Patronus is the awakened secret self that lies dormant until needed, but which must now be brought to light.

This was the main reason Harry thought he might fail because he would be considered, at the very least, borderline evil. It wasn't until he remembered that both Snape and Dumbledore could successfully cast the spell that he wrote it off as nonsense.

The unusual witches and wizards who produce a Patronus that takes the form of their favourite animal is an indicator of obsession or eccentricity. Patronus forms, however, are subject to change if the caster goes through an emotional upheaval of some sort, including falling in eternal, unchanging love.

From what Harry could gather, the Patronus gathered a mixture of traits that formed into the closest match of an animal that exemplified them. With the casters obsessions being a factor in its form. However, his research also indicated that it could be a magical creature.

Still, it did not mean it was also your Animagus form, as there had never once been a magical creature Animagus ever recorded. There were likewise too many examples of wizards having a different animal for their Patronus than their Animagus form.

Harry hoped this was wrong as he was staring at what only could be a Hungarian Horntail that was way more fearsome up close than how they looked in the books. It was so large that it took up the majority of the empty Room of Requirement and would be unable to move if it tried.

The light it was emitting was also blinding. Being as close as it was, Harry could barely focus on it before he had to look away in pain. He was only halfway through the list of tracking methods to protect against, and he had already become distracted with cool new magic...