Chapter 68

"Peaceful protesters? Is that what you call savages destroying everything in their path and howling for blood? Shall I send some of my people to 'peacefully protest' your treatment of their King? " Chad spat at the government stooges, doing his best to rile them up enough to say something stupid.

"You do not have the authority to detain anyone in the first place, you are just a normal citizen of Australia punishable under our laws! That is grounds enough to have you arrested and imprisoned for the rest of your miserable life!" Yelled Mr Lews, a passive Legilimency scan revealing some of those captured had been his acquaintances, radical left-leaning putz that he was.

Chad just laughed at the man and then hit him in the face with logic, well, it would be if they treated him like any other country they dealt with. "Tell me, is this what you say to Indonesia or China when Australians are detained and face the death penalty for drug trafficking or espionage?"

"They have military strength and are capable of defending their borders, you are not! Let me make this clear Mr Peverell, if you do not cease this nonsense right now, we will march into your land and arrest everyone living there. Then we will throw the book at you, as the leader, you will never see the light of day again! This is your last chance, there will be no others!" Said Bob Liddel, his eyes flashing with a malicious glint.

Chad laughed loudly once again, even holding his stomach exaggeratedly. "So you really are declaring war on Chadtopia, you could have just sent a letter! Well, we will be off then, you warmongers will regret this day!" Chad dramatically stated, keenly aware he was being filmed by his men.

"Where do you think you are going, you idiot!" Shouted Judge Halls.

"Back to my Kingdom, of course, are you retarded? Or are you saying that you invited me here under false pretences to capture me and steal my land? Are you that cowardly that you would attack me before even officially declaring war?"

"There's no requirement in international law for a country to issue a formal declaration of war. Since the 1940s laws such as the Geneva Conventions and UN declarations apply to any armed conflict regardless of whether war has been 'officially' declared or not, making such declarations a mere formality with no legal weight or meaning in international law." Replied the smug Judge Halls.

"Indeed, you have made a grave mistake MR Peverell. I can see the news headlines now, delusional man thinks he is a King and attacks police for disrespecting him." Laughed Bob Liddel, intentionally emphasising 'mister' in a petty attempt to mock Chad.

"Let me get this straight, you brought me here today to kill or imprison me and take my land back for Australia? There was never a plan to discuss diplomatic cooperation between Australia and Chadtopia? Is this sanctioned by the Australian government and the Governor-General?" Chad stated for the record.

"Damn, you really are stupid! Did you really think we would just let you take such a large chunk of Australian resources and would be fine with it? A few rich bogans thought they could declare independence! HAHAHAHA" Liddel mocked, bursting into uncontrolled laughter.

Chad's faked disbelieve even caused the rest of those in the room to laugh at the self-proclaimed King. Money did not solve everything, it wouldn't stop a bullet from ending your life or the government from coming out on top.

What they failed to remember was that it worked both ways. The government were not all-powerful, as anyone with a gun could 'remove' them from office!

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

In that brief moment of laughter, the eight agents were distracted, and Chad's men took the opportunity to put them down after he gave them a signal. He already knew that he would most likely have to shoot his way out and had prepared his men accordingly.

Three of the agents managed to draw their weapons and return fire, but their shots were either deflected by magic or went wide from a rushed shot. Chad's men took the opportunity to rush the wounded agents and execute any that still lived.

Firing from where they had been stopped once they had entered the room made it harder to ensure accuracy and not all bullets fired were kill shots. Even with the agents not wearing bulletproof vests, some managed to avoid severe injury and leaving armed police alive was just asking for trouble.

"What are you doing! You killed them!" Shouted Bob Liddel hysterically.

"Are you an idiot? You just declared war on my Kingdom and announced you were going to kill me. Why would I just let that happen?" Chad replied, looking at the three cowering suits that were suddenly aware of their mortality.

"Please, I have a family!" Begged the Judge that had just bragged about loopholes in international law.

"Well, you should have thought about that before starting a war! You have severely underestimated my military strength and just how far my hand reaches. You have as good as handed me this beautiful continent with your warmongering. And unfortunately for you, I don't want crooks to live in my Kingdom. Kill them!" Chad ordered.

"No! Please!"

"You can't do this!"

"Help, police!"

Their begging and cries for help went unheeded as Chad's men carried out his orders. They had signed a contract enforcing loyalty and obedience, even if they wanted to spare the lives of these pathetic bureaucrats, they couldn't.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Chad nodded grimly after seeing his minions double-tap the three officials. Although he had ordered the deaths of thugs and carried out experiments on them, seeing people beg for their lives before they were killed still left a sour taste in his mouth.

But at the end of the day, they had been laughing at the thought of his misery and death. Why would he show them any mercy when it was almost guaranteed they would immediately scream for his destruction if he let them go free.

Chad was now at war and couldn't afford to be lenient, that only led to his men suffering at the hands of those he spared. If he was going to fight against a force that vastly outnumbered his, then he needed to harden his heart and do what was required. All is fair in love and war.

Not wasting any more time thinking about the deaths of his clearly defined enemies, Chad was surrounded by his men, and they broke out into a brisk jog for his limousine. He didn't want to get surrounded after all.

When they reached the exit, they saw many policemen bleeding out on the ground. His men had taken up positions behind the doors of their cars awaiting anyone else stupid enough to assault them when they had snipers on over-watch.

The journalists were running around screaming and yelling for the police to save them, but Chad had explicitly told his minions not to fire on them unless they attacked first. He didn't need to be portrayed as the aggressor by shooting unarmed bystanders.

Without stopping, Chad and his men jumped into their cars and sped away, tires screeching in their rush to leave. Once they were clear, the snipers were teleported out by elves but kept ready in case of an extended police pursuit of their King.

No one had expected a shoot out from the delusional man claiming royalty, they had expected a similar outcome as the other so-called King of Australia that had been in the news. It was one thing to jokingly claim independence to escape taxes, quite another to kill people and fight a war.

In reality, they should have expected this. A man that was wealthy enough to buy such a massive amount of land and displace tens of thousands of people was not just going to roll over easily. The thirty or so policemen they had assigned to Parliament House had not been enough to cower King Chad into submission.

By the time it took to respond to calls for help, Chad's convoy was already speeding down the highway to the only gateway in the massive wall surrounding his Kingdom. The adrenaline coursing through his body from his first shootout, caused his excitement to skyrocket.

Was this why he always read about main characters rushing headfirst into danger? Though Chad much preferred to strike from the shadows and remain hidden, he could certainly see the appeal of acting like Monkey D Luffy from time to time. It was exciting!

Reaching his territory with only two police cars trying to intercept him and being riddled with bullets from machine-gun fire, Chad ordered his people to obliterate anything that came within shooting range.

Now that he had his justification, escalation was crucial for gaining complete control of Australia. He needed this war to be over before outside interference could mobilise and force him to the table of diplomacy.

Though he still wanted to give a grace period for people to quit their government jobs and flee if they wanted. The fewer dissenters in the country meant the less amount of idiots he needed to hunt down and manage. It would also hopefully make the military attack first.

The bodycam footage from today's drama was edited and sent to all news outlets in Australia under his control. He needed to be the first person to set the narrative and the short speech before the footage of the meeting would hopefully paint him as the underdog unlawfully attacked by the overbearing and overreaching government.

"To all those watching, my name is Chad Peverell, and I am the King of Chadtopia. As silly as that may sound to you, I can assure you it is a legitimate claim and legally done under Australian law, even if my lawyers have a terrible naming sense.

I spent a considerable amount of time, money and resources to purchase land from both the Australian government and independent landowners in south-west Australia. When I had acquired enough land to nearly equal the state of Victoria, I declared my self King and succeeded from Australia.

Leonard Casley was the first to do so when he was not happy about the unfair taxation by the government. Though he was not recognised as a separate nation, my claim was acknowledged as legitimate when it was put to the vote in Parliament.

Though the government representatives that were in favour of my claim have now been voted out of office, it does not change the fact that I won. It is hilarious to me that the new members of Parliament claim foul play and that I bribed my way to independence!

Do they not see why I wanted to be free from their tyrannical and corrupt system in the first place? They only prove my reasoning was correct, and they are no better than their predecessors for claiming my succession was unlawful because the Australian government is immoral and corrupt!

Today I was invited to the Parliament House in Perth to discuss diplomatic relations and cooperation with the government I had just legally succeeded from. I happily complied since I was once proud of the fact that I was Australian and was only angry at the government, not the country or culture the ANZAC's proudly fought to defend!

The security team employed to ensure my safety was sceptical about the motives of the meeting and set up contingencies in case of more governmental malfeasance.

I am sad to say that their concerns were proven correct. Here is video footage of what took place at today's supposedly 'diplomatic' meeting between our two countries and why my men had to shoot our way out!"

The edited footage was then shown with emotional music playing in the background, clearly making Chad out as the victim of a conspiracy by the government to get rid of Chadtopia in less than legal ways. After the footage, Chad once again came on to deliver the conclusion of his speech.

"The Australian government has declared war on Chadtopia with their attempt on my life, even if they are too cowardly to do so officially. Unlike them, I am not afraid to practice what I preach!

Today, I declare Chadtopia at war with Australia and will not stop until my territory encompasses all of this great land! For any citizens not wanting to get caught up in the fighting or do not want to be subjected to my rule, I suggest you immediately leave the country.

This island was conquered by the British on the 26 January 1788 and rightfully claimed by force from the primitive indigenous inhabitants. I shall now do the same, and any and all that oppose my nation with violence will be met with lethal countermeasures.

Anyone holding a government position by tomorrow will become targets for elimination since they are now leaders of an enemy nation. Any armed forces, be they from the police, the military or just rogue farmers with guns will be seen as enemy combatants and dealt with accordingly.

I urge the citizens to either flee the country or stay within their homes to ensure their safety. My soldiers will not attack civilian buildings or their inhabitants, but the despotic arm of the corrupt Australian government may not have the same compassion that my soldiers do for innocents.

You have twenty-four hours to decide what is best to ensure the safety of your families before my men launch their attacks. Those in authority should pray to whatever god they worship for mercy, as I will have none for my enemies!"