Chapter 72

Even though Chad had already known most of the Marauder's back story from his Potterverse information, he couldn't just come out and say it. So when Sirius had bragged of their exploits and Animagus abilities, Chad had used the opportunity to give him a reason to have the knowledge.

What he hadn't expected was for Sirius to offer his help in becoming an Animagus. Though Chad should have expected it, especially when he told Sirius to plan a day of fun for when he returned from his trip to Australia. Being an Animagus was Sirius' main personality trait after all.

Apparently, according to Sirius, it took skill, practise, and patience for wizards and witches to become Animagi. The process of becoming an Animagus was long, arduous and had the potential to backfire and cause the transformation to go horribly wrong.

Though since he and his prankster buddies had perfected it by their fifth year in Hogwarts, Chad didn't think it would be too hard to accomplish. The hard part would be trying to become a magical creature since even Sirius was adamant that it was impossible, let alone the books he had read on it.

The explanation given was because it took all of your magic to focus on completely changing everything about your body. This included breaking all physical laws like changing size, mass and volume through transfiguration, something that even a metamorphmagus couldn't entirely do.

For a grown man to shrink down to the size and weight of a rat and then back to full size broke nearly every law of conservation of mass known to both wizards and muggles.

Chad had struggled to change the muscle mass of a thug without him exploding, yet Animagi could warp themselves into a beetle?

Then again, magic was still thoroughly unknown as even Gamp's Law could be bypassed with the Philosophers Stone, not to mention the time Bartemius "Barty" Crouch Junior turned Draco into a ferret. Magic was just too overpowered, and wizards and witches had yet to explain it beyond wand movements and incantations.

The soul was also a complete mystery, and how it gave wizards and witches the power to warp reality was still undiscovered. Squibs could see magic but not use it, yet two muggles could produce a magical offspring. It was mind-boggling.

Still, the next couple of days before Chad had to catch the train back to Hogwarts was spent teaching him all he needed to know to become an animal at will. From procuring the ingredients for the potion he would need to brew, to how the Marauders had managed to keep a mandrake leaf in their mouth for an entire month.

Spoiler alert, it involved a sticking charm.

"Now remember Harry, the incantation is 'Amato Animo Animato Animagus' and it must be repeated every day at sunrise and sundown while placing your wand's tip over your heart."

"Yes, I remember Sirius, and the potion can only be consumed during a lightning storm after at least a month. Don't worry, I will not rush things."

Since the potion could only be consumed during a lightning storm, those trying to become Animagi could possibly have to recite the incantation for months or even years before they found a storm to suit their needs.

Of course, since Chad had access to house-elves and muggle weather forecasts, this would not be a challenge for him. The only difficulty would be getting away from Hogwarts, and with Dumbledore out of the picture, that would not be a problem.

"Yes, I suppose you are more mature at eleven than we were at fifteen. Your Occlumency should also help blunt the animal instincts that try to take over your personality and prevent any mishaps when shifting forms." Sirius noted with pride and a hint of fake sorrow for the loss of a new mischief-maker.

Sirius had been trying to recruit him into becoming a new member of the Marauders but had been continually complaining about the pragmatic and sensible Ravenclaw traits the poor boy had been 'cursed' with. It had also led to some name puns like 'I'm supposed to be Sirius, not you!' and other such terrible yet entertaining wordplay.

It briefly brought up the subject of Remus Lupin, as he had also been a stuffy Ravenclaw before they had 'corrupted' him with Gryffindor qualities. However, thanks to Chad's changes from canon like getting him laid and released legally, the Head of House Black did not pine over the cowardly werewolf's friendship.

Frankly, Chad was surprised that Dumbledore hadn't yet tried to forcefully insert the loser into their lives already. Maybe he still hadn't finished erasing any connection between himself and Harry Potter from the man's mind. He did, after all, assure Remus that he would look after the boy and spare the pathetic man from ever having to visit or send gifts.

Lycanthropy only took three days a month from the man, yet he had used it as an excuse to abandon the orphaned child of the only friends he ever had. Chad had no idea why people loved him as a character or revered him in fanfiction, he personally despised the emo.

After an entertaining and productive couple of days learning from Sirius, the time came to catch the Hogwarts Express back to school. Chad had a lot of better things to do with his time than attend a school he could pass easily, but his public image demanded he go.

After all the drama with his godfather once again catapulting him back into the limelight, the readily rumour-mongering sheep would have a meltdown if he failed to show up to a government-mandated education.

Plus, while he would magically control the rest of the world through various means of slavery, Britain was his stomping ground that allowed him to have some fun. Life would be boring if he just took the easy way out and had his ninja-elf army ambush wizards in their homes.

Hogwarts would allow him to use his fame and intelligence to have the British magical community willingly submit to his authority, smiling as he personally fit the slave collar around their necks.

If an idiot like Fudge could get elected and run roughshod over the law, Chad was sure he could do it much more elegantly. At the height of their stupidity in the books, the Ministry had muggle-borns in cages and handing themselves in, Chad was sure he could do better than that!

There was also the Basilisk to take care of, that should be enough to keep him entertained. But that could wait until after he completed his Animagus transformation, he was honestly excited to see what manner of creature best represented him. It had to be some fearsome predator at the top of the food chain, he was a King after all.

Sirius had teleported them both to Platform 9 3/4, and they had immediately been surrounded by well-wishers and those trying to curry favour. Since Chad was not an anxious child, he and Sirius took advantage of the attention to bad mouth Millicent Bagnold, Barty Crouch, Hagrid and Dumbledore once they were asked about their opinions on the matter.

Chad had expected Bagnold and Crouch to have been punished by the time he got back from Australia and was surprised when Sirius didn't mention it in the news. Especially since Crouch Junior was residing in their family home under the Imperius Curse!

It turned out that Dumbledore had magnificently distracted everyone from the fact that he was also involved with throwing a Noble heir in Azkaban for ten years with all the other misdeeds he had committed.

Even though there had been arrest warrants sent out for the capture of Bagnold, Crouch and Hagrid, none of them could be found! Their houses had been completely emptied of anything of value, and there had not been any trace of them.

The seamless disappearance had been attributed to Dumbledore since he was connected to all three fugitives and they could possibly incriminate him with their testimony. Sirius had done his best to fan the flames of the rumours about Dumbledore's sinister actions to silence witnesses, and Rita had also gone nuts with it.

Chad didn't need to fake his surprised and concerned reaction on Platform 9 3/4 in front of the crowd, bloody Sirius had not mentioned it at all! This was what he meant when he asked about current affairs!

Chad was already missing Boppy's stellar work keeping him up to date through Skeeter and Crystal's network of gossip. Unfortunately, other than Chad's request to up the security on Crystal, he had not spoken to the loyal Head-elf for a few days.

He hoped that at least Hagrid was ok, as he had quite liked the half-giant. But his primary cause of concern was what happened to Barty Jr, that guy was willing to go above and beyond for old snake face, and it may cause him problems.

"Harry!" Came the uncouth shout from what could have only been Hermione.

For a girl that used to be obsessed with rules and authority, her manners and decorum sure needed a lot of work.

The pure-bloods around Chad looked down their noses as the bucktooth, bushy-haired girl approached, but since she was accompanied by the Longbottom heir and Dowager Longbottom herself, they refrained from insulting her.

Seeing the perfect excuse to leave without causing too much offence, Chad said his goodbyes. "It was a pleasure meeting you all, but my friends have arrived and seem eager to tell me about their holidays. Goodbye Sirius, I will make sure to write."

Chad even gave his godfather a hug, something that was a rare occurrence in either of his lives as his family had never been the touchy-feely type. With a polite greeting and apology for leaving in the same sentence to Mrs Longbottom, Chad led Hermione and Neville onto the train.

"What was that about?" Hermione asked, oblivious of her faux pas but noticing the disapproval on snobbish faces.

"That would be you embarrassing yourself in front of some of what passes for nobility in the wizarding world. While there is no official titles or royalty, Lords and Ladies of pure-blood Houses hold all the power in Magical Britain." Chad said wearily.

It looks as if it would be a long train ride explaining the class system that was now controlling her life.