Hotbeds of Imagination

The next few weeks whirled around Changying as she found herself in an office of her own on the same floor as the editors. She researched strictly for Wang Wei who constantly quizzed her on her research methods and thoughts of a specific passage. Each time Changying left her office his eyes seemed to follow her darkly. Eventually, she found it easier to forgo lunch with her friends down in the research department. Changying rarely left her office unless to visit the bathroom or kitchenette on their floor or to leave for the day.

Even with the self imposed restrictions on her movements, her happy and fun loving nature endeared her to the secretaries and office personnel that worked on the same floor. She started to find people in the kitchenette at the same time as she took her lunch break. She often invited them to her office to chat and generally hang out while they ate lunch. Changying finally settled into her new surroundings and found herself become less anxious about Wang and his attention to detail if not actually at ease with him.

As time went on she found the manuscripts crossing her desk becoming more explicit than the average romance in a historical setting. Themes of bondage or sadomasochism touched on very lightly at first became darker and more elemental to the storylines. Changying found her research opening her eyes wider to a whole world she realised she knew less about that she thought. It was titillating, but she diligently tried to look at each discovery from behind the facade of pure research.

Her dreams though became hotbeds of imagination and she would often wake panting and horny, needing relief before she could think of sleeping again. Her own fantasies grew darker. Abducted by bikers and kept in their club house as a sex slave, or by pirates aboard a black ship where she was tied to the mast and whipped into submission before being taken by the crew. Imagining all these things took place without her consent saved her from having to admit the sometimes violent and humiliating aspects of it were an enormous turn on. It was all fantasy, and she knew real life was far removed from the research she had been doing.

She woke again from a particularly realistic dream and leaned over to grab her vibrator from her drawer, a birthday present from her mother who thought no girl should be without one, and rammed it hard and fast into her soaking wet hole. Raising her hips and tensing her muscles as she drilled herself, she pictured a dozen or so men watching her masturbate and jacking off over her as she came. The scene seemed to be held suspended in her mind as she clawed at her clit making the orgasm ripple on into her, building up, to crash once again through her overheated mind and body.

In her dream laden orgasm high, the men in her fantasy morphed into the single entity of Wang Wei who picked her up and bound her to a whipping post. The fantasy so real in her mind, his smirking sneer painted on his face as he called her a filthy slut, the humiliation of the scene playing in her mind feeding her heated cunt all over again. She could almost feel the whip strokes embracing the pain knowing she deserved it. She would take anything he gave her as the humiliating names rained down on her. "Oh god," she groaned into her pillow her hand clawing at her clit again as the fantasy Wang Wei cut her from the post dragging her to the slave pens, writhing in pain and humiliation.

Finally, she lay totally spent and sore from the workout she had given herself. She knew she needed real sex with a real guy and lamented breaking up with her last boyfriend, who had inevitably fallen for her mother's flirty ways. Why was she cursed as the plain daughter of a sexy cougar like Chunhua? Changying groaned into her pillow, maybe it was time to give in and let her mother make her over again. Even though it had had disastrous outcomes in the past.

She could never be like Chunhua who was tall and curvy in all the right places. Changying was short and dumpy. She had her mother's curves, but on her frame she just looked perpetually chubby, even when on the strictest diets. Her mousey brown hair had an unruly wave. She dealt with by tying it back severely, leaving only a thin fringe to hide behind.