Dressed To Kill

"I was wondering, do you want to come with me to my thing tonight? That is if you feel up to going out tonight?" Wang sounded unsure, even to himself, but one look at the surprised girl made him smile. She was so unassuming, where most girls would have hinted at him for an invitation. This meek little mouse seemed to be totally thrown by his words.

Changying gaped at him, "I... I mean...." She opened and closed her mouth several times, but nothing came out. Swallowing noisily she suddenly blurted, "I wouldn't have anything to wear. I don't go out that much, and I am sure it's a swanky do you're going to."

He laughed loudly, "Swanky do?"

"Well you know what I mean. Best I just go home, I am not cut out for soiree's with the rich and famous," She lowered her eyes, hiding her disappointment behind her long fringe. She had enjoyed the dinner more than she would have thought possible before today's events.

Wang considered her across the table as he signed the credit card slip the waiter brought him. "You're a unique girl, Changying," inwardly laughing at her words again, "The soiree as you so eloquently put it, is an art exhibit and yes there will be some swank," he paused and smirked liking that word, "but I would like you to come. So let's go see what you have to wear."

Taking her hand he again pulled her along behind him. At well over six foot his stride was equal to two of hers, and she struggled to keep up. He buckled her into the car and asking the address drove at speed once again through the darkening streets.

For once he let her lead the way, and she went into the small house she shared with her mother. "Changying, is that you?" Chunhua called walking out of her bedroom and looking up with a smile that said, 'I knew you would be back' painted on her face as she murmured in a sultry voice, "Hello again, Wang."

"Hi," he said easily before turning to Changying, "Okay, show me what we have to choose from," and purposefully walked away from Chunhua who looked genuinely confused.

Changying walked into her room, aware it looked more like a library than a bedroom with a myriad of books and posters of some of the great works of art hung carelessly over the walls. "I am sorry about the mess," she whispered as she flung open her closet. Changying pulled out the few good dresses she had and held them up against herself. She watched him as he shook his head at each one before discarding it.

"That's it," she shrugged and moved to put the dress back in the cupboard.

"Well that's just pitiful. Let me look," he pushed past her into the closet doorway.

Wang pulled out a short black pleated skirt she had forgotten she owned and said "Here put that on for starters. Do you have black stockings?" He threw a pair of black CFM boots out behind him, "Oh eureka, these too. I am guessing Chunhua bought them for you. Get dressed I will be back in a moment."

Changying could hear murmuring and peeked her head out to see Chunhua leading Wang into her bedroom and died inside. Sitting back on her bed, she sadly called herself a fool for believing Chunhua wasn't his type.

A minute later he was back in her room, "Why aren't you dressing? Here, it's your mothers but it will do for tonight." A sheer almost see through red blouse landed next to her making her look up. "Hurry up. The longer you take the longer I am out here with the barracuda and she looks hungry," he grinned and walked out closing her door. He opened it again and poked his head in, "You really shouldn't wear a bra, those burns are still fresh, and I don't want you uncomfortable and fidgeting all night, okay?" The grin was still in place as he closed the door.

She changed in a rush of excitement not quite knowing why, except that this arrogant man was being nice to her and it made her feel good. Better than good, special. Brushing out her hair, she pulled the sides back with a clip leaving the back hanging down past her shoulders. Tying a red satin bow around the clip she smiled and dusted her face with glow. She rarely wore make up and nights like this just a small dusting of a foundation power called glow sufficed with eyeliner and mascara. Some clear lip gloss and she was ready.

Checking her reflection she grimaced, her breasts were too large to go without a bra, but she noted the nipples sat up high, so they looked perky on the full, round globes. The silk blouse caressed her breasts, making her feel even more uncomfortable about not wearing a bra. But after the lovely dinner and the unexpected invitation she genuinely didn't want to disappoint him.