Are You Hungry?

Catching his breath Wang pulled his softening cock from Changying. He stepped back looking at her reddened right ass cheek with satisfaction and the cum that dripped from her to a small puddle between her feet, 'There would come a time,' he thought to himself, "Where she would know not to waste such a precious gift.' His eyes crinkled and his mouth turned up in a half smile as he imagined her on her hands and knees lapping at the puddle. She had already shown herself so eager for his cum, he had no doubt that if he commanded her to, she would fulfil that desire for him, but he did not want to push her too far to fast.

For now though he picked her up and placed her in the large spa bath turning on the water at a tepid run, climbing in with her. They relaxed in silence as the water filled the bath, he sat behind her pulling her close between his legs, the bath so generous as the let them both stretch their legs before them. As the bath filled, Wanged watched Changying's breasts float and bob with the movement of the water his hand stroking and playing with them gently as they relaxed together.

Changying almost purred in pleasure. With each passionate episode, Changying's insecurities paled further and further into insignificance when it came to their relationship. While their love making had always rough and intense, tonight she had truly felt his need to possess her, and it filled her with wild joy as she lay in his arms surrounded by the warm water of the spa bath lapping around her. She felt incredible after such an intense orgasm, and she tilted her head up and around to purr and nuzzle at his neck showing how utterly happy she felt.

They hadn't bothered turning on the spa jets as they lay comfortably letting the scented water wash them as they moved against each other kissing and stroking affectionately. Wang tweaked her nipple hard making her squeak and turn her head up toward him, "Are you hungry?" Wang asked.

"Oh gosh, I forgot you were late for lunch and then you went back to work," she started to get out of the bath, "Let me see what I can find in the kitchen," Changying hurried on not giving him a chance to say anything else.

Standing beside the tub she went to pull on one of the robes, but Wang cleared his throat and shook his head, "Naked all weekend, remember."

Changying's hand went to the necklace nestled around her throat, acknowledging that she had agreed to do as he asked while she wore it. Dropping the robe she dried off quickly with a towel and walked naked to the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator Changying was amazed at how well stocked it was and went to the cupboard before crossing back to Wang sitting on the side of the tub he still reclined in. "The kitchen is so well stocked you could have just about anything you like, a large snack or a three course meal, do you feel like anything in particular?" She asked him.

"A decent snack, you decide," Wang replied his hand trailing over her thigh, "and more of you for desert," he grinned at her wickedly.

"Would you like something to drink while you wait?" Changying offered her mind contemplating what she could make that would constitute a decent snack.

"I'll get up and open another bottle soon," the grin was still on his face as he watched her blush and squirm after his comments about desert. Taking hold of the snug necklace with a finger he bent her down to kiss him enjoying the position this put her in, he smacked her ass and sent her back to the kitchen.

Changying busied herself in the kitchen losing herself in the act of cooking, feeling an overwhelming desire to make something that would tempt him as much as her nakedness seemed to. She began cooking using small rounds of flatbread to create small gourmet style pizzas, watching from the corner of her eye as Wang got out of the bath and pulled on his boxers and released the water. It occurred to her that it seemed unfair for him to be putting on clothes until she heard the door and saw him disappear through it.

Changying placed the pizza's in the oven carefully and began to tidy up the small amount of mess she had created, she had learned over the last month that Wang detested mess and clutter demanding organisation from those around him as well as himself. She smiled to herself knowing his dislike for her own bedroom at home which was cluttered with keepsakes, memories and dreams. Posters of places she dreamed of visiting covered walls and books stacked precariously beside overfull shelves, he had complained on more than one occasion about the chaos of her room. It was one place though, in her life that she did not consider adjusting for him because it was the one place that was truly hers and while she may share it with him from time to time, it was who she was so to speak.