Wang was happy, truly happy with Changying

"Did you ever consider that my friends and even my brothers didn't quite believe that a self-obsessed, control freak like me could get a nice girl like you to date me?" Wang questioned her with a raised eyebrow and she burst out laughing.

"You left out tyrannical," she laughed all the more, "If you are going to tell a whopper like that make it a good one," she said shaking her head, "I don't believe you for one moment but thank you for saying that," she kissed him. Wang groaned as Changying pressed against him and kissed him deeply. He was about to give her a lengthy rebuttal but decided on a different course of action.

He smacked her ass making her yelp and smirked as she leaned back from the kiss. "Clean up the mess before we get completely distracted," he smirked, his hands running down up and down her ribs and over her hips. Reluctantly Changying got up from Wang's lap and turned to take the plates to the kitchen. Wang stood and put on some music, then taking his wine moved over to the sliding glass doors. With his glass of wine in hand, he opened them wide to let in the slight breeze and stepped out onto the balcony. Breathing deeply, he looked out on the dark hills and the distant twinkling lights of the nearby town, he was happy, truly happy here with Changying.

Changying watched him as she cleared the table, washed the few plates setting them to drip dry and stored the leftover over's in the fridge. If the weather turned sunny, maybe they could picnic in the vineyard tomorrow, though that would call for clothes she laughed to herself. Changying was happy too. She liked doing the little things for him like cooking and cleaning up. The conversation they had just had made her feel more comfortable about being with him like this. Maybe his brothers had said that in a teasing way, she thought and picked up her glass and joined Wang on the balcony looking out at the scenery. Still uncomfortable with her nakedness she turned her side to the landscape and pressed her body up against his as he wrapped an arm about her.

He had planned to take her a hundred different ways this weekend showing her the depths of his darkness. Sex between them had always been rough and harsh, he asserted his dominance and control over her in the bedroom more so than anywhere else and she seemed to embrace the mild pain and humiliating dirty talk he doled out to her and crave more. He considered the chest on the table, and all the toys it contained before looking down into her up turned face. Glad to have had the intimate conversation with her over dinner he felt closer to her. They had declared love for each other, he felt as if he had known her far longer than the actual time they had been together and if he had been sure she wouldn't run away from the enormity of the moment he could have proposed right then so sure he was that she was his other half, his soul mate. "Live in the moment," he reminded himself and bent to kiss her.

They stood on the balcony and finished their wine content in the silence of the others company. Changying marvelled at her depth of feeling, she had admitted she loved him, and she did. She couldn't believe the closeness and depth of feeling that had come about so quickly between them. Her rational analytical mind told her it was lust not love but her heart told her otherwise and she smiled up at the man who had captivated her so entirely. Taking his empty glass from his hand she inquired, "More wine?"

"No," he shook his head slowly, "That's not what I want right now," the corners of his mouth turned up in a smirk. Changying turned to take the glasses back into the small kitchen and wash them, Wang followed taking a bottle of cold water from the fridge and chugging down half of it before offering it to her. Changying shook her head, but her pressed it on her saying, "You need to stay hydrated," with a wink.

Changying giggled and took the water taking a few large sips before handing it back. Draining the bottle and throwing it in the bin Wang picked her up and kissed her deeply, walking to the sofa with her. Sitting with her cradled to him he spoke softly, "I meant what I said earlier, I love you, I want you, I need you in my life, and I want you to understand what that fully entails. How I am different from other men you may have been with." His eyes searched hers for understanding.

"Don't you realise you are already so different from anyone else I have ever dated? How much I love and care for you? There is nothing you could tell me or ask of me right at this moment that would change that," she said earnestly, surprising herself in the process. "Tell me how you are so different."

His voice was still soft, and his words considered, "When we are here, in this place and you wear that necklace I want more than anything to have a Dominant and submissive relationship, with you."