
Wang had taken his time over the following day, never demanding too much or pushing her too hard. She, in turn, enjoyed cooking and tidying up their little love nest. She was high on endorphins and love as she stared out of the large glass windows surrounding the spa bath while the sun came up, happily wrapped in Wang's strong arms. She glanced back into the room at the debris of the night's activities and the open chest in the centre of it all. Her skin had pruned long ago, the stings of the welts she wore had faded and she turned her face up to his taking in his sleepy eyes.

Whispering, Changying roused him from his thoughts, "You should get some sleep, Mine, I am guessing we have to drive back to the city tonight."

His hands went to her breasts and played with them as they floated on the water, "Are you tired, my love?"

"A little" she admitted, "but I don't want to waste a minute of this weekend, so I thought I would tidy up a bit and make something nice for breakfast if you wanted a little sleep. It wouldn't be good to fall asleep at the wheel on the drive home." Her brow creased slightly in her worry for him.

Smiling down on her he kissed her softly, "I will sleep a little if it will take those worry lines from your face, but first I need some water." Changying stood up from the bath and stepped out to dry herself. Wang watched her carefully. He had marked her well last night, and she still bore the evidence of just how carried away he had become. "How do you feel?" Wang asked quietly as he too stood up and stepped from the bath pulling a soft robe around his wet body and tracing a red line that moved over her hip and ass with a finger.

"I have never felt this way before," Changying admitted. "The pain and pleasure seem to go hand in hand to make the feelings you give me all the more intense and the dull ache I have today reminds me of just how delightful it all was. It can be," she corrected herself.

"Will always be," Wang smiled and folded her in his arms. "You were always meant to be with me like this." His kiss was impassioned, and she melted once again into his arms. He let her go finally, and she went to the kitchen to get him the water he had wanted. Wang followed her, took the water from her hand gulped it down. "Come sleep with me, you can tidy up later," he smiled and traced the necklace she still wore before picking her up and walking to the bed.

"Really, I'm not tired," Changying smiled. Wang knew she would come down from her high eventually and need sleep, so he put her in bed before crawling in beside her. "I want you to rest then, for at least an hour." He pulled her to him and spooned her, his hands wrapped around the soft mounds of her breasts.

"Yes, Mine," Changying smiled and closed her eyes, reliving the last twenty-four hours she had been in this small cabin with Wang. She had been the second to wake and had found him sat on the bed with the mystery chest, watching her as she came to wakefulness and smiled at him.

He had seemed excited, like a child on Christmas morning, and had pouted when she got up and went to the bathroom telling her to hurry back. He had brought breakfast to the bed in the form of pastries and juice, and while they ate he opened his chest of toys and had shown her the contents, naming them and offering an explanation if she seemed unsure of something. Wang even gave her a demonstration at times. The ben-wah balls had been inserted almost immediately, and she was instructed to practice trying to roll them with her muscles, keeping them deep inside her cunt.

There were a variety of leather restraints and clamps for various areas of her body as well as what he called his tools that both fascinated, and frightened, her at the same time. She could see the eagerness in his face, and she had gazed upon the soft suede flogger with a curiosity, blended with unease. There was also a crop and several paddles of various designs within the chest. Finally, he had removed a first aid kit and some aloe lotions and began to explain about aftercare and how valuable it was after a particularly severe session.

He reassured her that they would build up slowly, and it would be months, probably, before he considered using some of the things the chest contained. She had smiled at that and could see the excitement his face had held, tinged with concern, as he waited for her reactions because she had stayed silent during his explanation of his tools and the need for a first aid kit.

In her mind's eye she relived the moment when, in wanting to take the concerned look from his face, she had placed her hand on his cheek and kissed him, "I love you and trust you. If this is what you truly need and desire I will try." She had looked at the toys and tools scattered over the bed and, once again, smiled up at him. They had always enjoyed a rougher, harder type of sex. The first night in the cabin had shown her that she didn't want to return to what Wang had called vanilla sex. "Just take it a little bit slowly with me, please. It's a lot to take in all at once," she had asked softly. His smile had been wide and dazzling. He had pounced on her then and pinned her to the bed amongst everything he laid out and kissed her hard and deep, the passion taking her breath away.