Meeting Uncle Zachariah & Aunt Marisol

He hugged her to him and kissed her. "Trust me. My family have some odd quirks, but they very much revere the old ways and the old country. They abhor the mafia unions both – China & Italy," Wang laughed with ease. "You'll no doubt argue with me about some of their ways, but what is between you and I will always be as good as it was this weekend." He kissed her again leaving Changying wanting nothing more than for everything always to be as wonderful as she felt it was now and she melted into his embrace.

Wang knew he was pushing her too fast, but he knew that the woman in his arms was his one, his other half, his soul-mate. She had seemed to accept that she would become part of his world and did not question the fact that he spoke of their relationships in terms of family expectations for her rather focusing on the book in his hands his families unique history.

They had packed their things into the car together and left the serenity of the cabin by early afternoon and travelled the few hundred metres back along the gravel road toward the main house. She looked again at Wang smiling. He didn't exactly look Italian, and she wondered about his last name briefly. Wei didn't seem like an Italian surname, yet he belonged to a large Italian family and the home they had pulled up in front of could have been transported straight from Tuscany. Changying looked at the large villa-style house, its terracotta-coloured stucco walls reminding her of the Tuscan villa she had once seen in a movie and always dreamed of visiting.

"You have to come out of the car sometime," Wang smiled as he opened her door while she sat daydreaming. Laughing, Changying took his offered hand and stepped from the car.

"Ah you are here at last!" An older man had come out to greet them embracing Wang and kissing him on both cheeks before turning to Changying and wrapping her in the same tight embrace before kissing her cheeks, as well. "And who is the beautiful creature you have brought with you?" The embrace lingered a little longer as the older man's hand stroked down her back almost the point of caressing her buttocks, the familiarity making her slightly uncomfortable.

"This is the woman I will take home," Wang said startling her. "Changying, this is my Uncle Zachariah."

"Ah, I see," Zachariah said, removing his hand from where it rested dangerously close to the curve of her bottom with a look of what seemed disappointment.

"It's lovely to meet you," she smiled and moved closer to Wang.

"The pleasure will be mine I am sure," Zachariah winked at her and slapped Wang on the shoulder. "So, you have found someone to put up with you at long last. It is best to choose your own wife, not all arrangements work out as we would like," he grimaced. "Let's go find your Aunt then, before this late lunch turns into an early dinner."

They walked into the Villa together, and Changying was overwhelmed by the opulence. Carefully selected antique furniture and artwork decorated the interior which was enhanced with delicate objects in porcelain and marble. Her agile mind constantly working, she was sure she could name several of the artists represented in this room when a squeal of delight brought her back to the present and a smiling rotund woman ran and grabbed Wang pulling him down to her height to kiss him loudly on both cheeks.

"You must be his girl," the woman beamed, hugging her fiercely and kissing Changying's cheeks. "Aren't you just adorable! Come, come. I have everything all ready, Zachariah has been complaining that his stomach thinks his throat has been cut for hours." Linking her arm with Changying's, she guided her through the villa to the enclosed terrace. Marisol smiled at Changying's gasp at the view they commanded of the vineyards and dams of their farm. The table was dressed as if for a formal dinner party, and Changying looked over her shoulder at Wang, reassuring herself that he was close by.

"Zia!" Wang laughed. "Slow down, Changying this is my Aunt Marisol, and she is not as crazy as she seems, most of the time."

The little woman hit Wang playfully and carried on toward the table giving Changying a seat facing the view. "She will call me Zia, of course, I will be her Aunty too, so when will you marry?" she asked Changying. "Oh I love weddings. You could have the reception here if you like, but I don't think Wang's father would like that..."

Changying was stunned and looked at Wang for help understanding what the woman was talking about as she prattled on barely stopping to take a breath. Wang continued to laugh as he shrugged at Changying and rolled his eyes.