Wang's Business Idea

Changying watched on as Wang explained that executives often left shopping for their wives to their PA's who more often than not had no idea about the woman concerned and no taste of their own. Birthdays, Valentine's Day, Christmas: they were all nightmare times for them. "I think if you marketed towards them, wrapped and packaged the personalised gift with a small card introducing yourself as a personal shopping consultant, their wives might just be curious enough about the woman who selected such a fabulous gift in the first place to seek out your services."

"A quick phone call is all they would have to make to give me some small clue as to the client I would be buying for, and I could do it. Oh, Wang what a fabulous idea!" Chunhua all but leapt at Wang in her excitement.

Changying watched Wang disentangle himself from Chunhua and smile up at her. She was no longer concerned about Chunhua's predatory habits where Wang was concerned, but she smiled widely as he did his best to keep some small distance between himself and Chunhua.

"Go get your things together, my love," Wang continued to smile at Changying. "I'll just give Chunhua some names of the PA's and exec's at work that I think would love the idea."

"Chunhua," Changying called as she came from the bedroom. "If I put a load of washing on could you hang it out on the indoor rack for me in about an hour?"

"Sure, baby," Chunhua replied distractedly.

Changying rolled her eyes and went to put on a load of washing, when she came back they were still deep in discussion, so she began making a snack for them all. In truth, she was still full from lunch, but Chunhua would need to eat, so she made a platter of cold meats and cheeses, fruits and salad and warm, crusty rolls and placed it on the table for everyone to help themselves.

Chunhua and Wang were talking about limits on regions she would need to cover and the better places to shop with clients being different to places she may shop when bargain hunting. Changying pulled out scrap-paper and began doodling, letting their enthusiasm run its course. In a way she was glad that she could ensure the laundry was done the way she liked it, and she was happy enough listening to them bounce ideas off each other.

"All done then," Wang said as he stood up seeing Changying return from hanging out the laundry.

"Thank you so much, I have a real plan now and the most amazing logo," she held up the doodle, Changying had been working on.

"That was just a doodle," Changying smiled indulgently at her mother, looking at the silhouette she had drawn holding shopping bags that said "I'll run around" on one and on another, "So you don't have to."

"It perfectly fits what we were talking about as her marketing strategy," Wang grinned.

Chunhua nodded enthusiastically and hugged her daughter tightly to her, "Thanks."

"Good luck writing it all into a coherent plan. We need to go now that the laundry here is done. I have some of my own Changying might like to do as well," he laughed only half-jokingly.

Chunhua walked them to the door her arm still around Changying's waist. She kissed her daughter's cheek and whispered, "I am so happy you've found someone who loves you so much. Have a fabulous day at work tomorrow." She said the last louder and smiled at Wang as he bent to place a chaste kiss on her cheek.

"Thanks Chunhua," Changying farewelled her mother, not picking up on the subtle hint that work would be enjoyable the next day.