Unsuitable For A Traditional Italian Familia

"I didn't know Wang," Changying said quickly. "She came wandering into my office looking for Dan and Lio, then asked me to appraise a mask for her in their absence; she only introduced herself as Antonia. I thought she was some important client, and she asked me to keep her company at lunch while she waited for them to return. I thought I was doing the right thing, I had no idea until she rang Ben." The words come out rushed and almost garbled as she tried to explain herself under his steely gaze.

"We'll talk about it at home," he said in a hard voice making her cringe.

"How was I supposed to know?" she was hurt, by the way, he was acting, he hadn't touched her since arriving, "I haven't done anything wrong, why are you acting like I committed a cardinal sin?"

"Why didn't you answer your phone? I have been calling non-stop," He growled.

"Antonia wouldn't let me and I was trying to give a good impression once I knew who she was," Changying was flustered, she hadn't seen Wang act like this for some time, "You should be more worried about what I did and said before I knew who she was," and she immediately regretted her words as his face grew darker, but after all the wine she didn't seem to be able to stop herself from being hurt and blurting out exactly how she felt.

"What did you say? Fuck, how am I supposed to make this right now. I walk in and find you drunk with my mother saying god knows what about god knows who and what exactly did you tell her about us?" His voice was harsh and gravelly, "Did you tell that old fashion Italian Mama that we live together and fuck each other's brains out every night? Was she suitably shocked? Fuck, how could you be so stupid?"

"You don't think I am good enough to meet your parents, do you? That's why you're all dark and stormy,. I was just the good enough for now girl, until you found someone suitable for you traditional Italian familia," she was horrified by the thought but she could find no other explanation for his words, Antonia was far from the prude he made her out to be.

"Don't be absurd," he muttered without conviction and she heard the hesitation in his voice. Panic settled on her like a blanket heightened by the wine and the strange situation she had found herself in this afternoon. Her heart began to thump in her chest, and she felt sick. She visibly paled, and she felt tears prick her eyes as they sat in stony silence.

When Antonia and Ben returned Changying put on a smile, "Thank you so much for lunch, but I believe the wine is getting to me. I'm so grateful for the fabulous time we had and meeting you but I am just going to call a cab and go home," she said standing and leaning across to kiss Antonia's cheek.

"Nonsense, you don't need a cab when I have two sons," Wang had already risen from his chair.

"Oh, I think that it's best, I promised my mother I would see her tonight as I thought Wang would be in meetings. Stay, all of you and catch-up with each other. I know what a close family you all are; I insist," she heard her own voice crack as she said the last and she smiled again, "Thank you again, Antonia, I hope we can do it again sometime." With that Changying, turned and walked away. Wang followed her and grabbed her arm to halt her progress, but she shrugged him off.

"Trust me, you do not want to talk to me anymore right now because if you say one more thing like that, I may not be able to forgive you or you me for the things I would say in response," she said quietly, "I love you Wang, but please let me go so that we don't say things we will regret forever."

"No," he growled taking her arm and all but dragging her from the restaurant. "I will drive you home, and you will stay there until I get back," he growled.

They didn't speak at all until he finally took her up to his apartment, "Keys," he held out his hand, and she took her keys from her bag and placed them in his hand assuming he was kicking her out. She began to cry and turned into the room to begin packing her stuff. It was only when she heard the deadbolt click into place that she realised he had locked her in.