Let me make it up to you, please

Wang let himself into the apartment, it was eerily dark and silent. Turning on a lamp rather than the bright ceiling lights Wang saw Changying curled up on the lounge asleep, her luggage neatly stacked beside the door. Quietly he took the luggage back into the bedroom before returning and lifting her into his arms and carrying her to bed. She automatically wrapped her arms around his neck and murmured softly into his chest.

"I'm sorry," he said, "I love you." He lay her in the bed crawling in beside her and wrapping his arms around her.

"You don't think I am good enough for them. I never expected you to make me feel that bad about myself," she untangled herself from his arms and began to sit up.

"I never said that, you did" he accused pulling her back down to him and pinning her arms. "I was shocked, other stuff had happened and then I walk in and find you and my mother drunk. I don't think I have ever seen her drink that much before or treat any of our girlfriends as a long lost friend. I couldn't work out what was going on. Try to understand, please." He kissed her.

"You didn't deny it," she said sadly, "You were so cold and nasty at the restaurant; you were angry with me. I didn't invite her; I didn't order the wine; I didn't even know who she was," Changying tried to explain again.

"I know that, I do. None of what happened today was your fault, it was all mine, and I am sorry," he kissed her deeply. "Let me make it up to you, please," he whispered into her ear. "I need you, I love you and I want you to meet my whole family down on the farm, over the holidays." She looked at him wide eyed, but he kissed her before adding, "Chunhua can come too."

"I'm not just Miss Right now?" she asked.

"I would have asked you to marry me a long time ago if I had thought you would say yes," he leaned up on his elbow and looked into her eyes showing the seriousness of his statement. "I didn't think you were ready to hear the question, and I don't take rejection well so, don't answer yet, but know that I fully intend to ask when the time is right."

Changying looked up at him in amazement; he never ceased to confuse and surprise her. This time it was her that wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him down into a passionate kiss.

"That's the passion my mother said I was lucky to have; I'll take more, please, then I will, what were the words she said you used," he grinned, "Rock your world?" Changying blushed deeply as she kissed him again both of them smiling into the kiss.

"You have thirty seconds to strip before I start tearing the clothes from you," Wang said pulling her up from the bed with him. He then turned and opened the closet that his tool chest lay in, placing it at the foot of the bed before turning back to her. Her breasts had already been freed, and they bounced wonderfully as she struggled with the rest of her clothes. Flipping the chest open he took a length of soft nylon rope and approached her.

"If we have kids after we get married, I won't be happy about sharing these," he grinned as he stroked her breasts with the rope before taking his time and binding them tightly, the darkness of restricted blood flow showing rapidly as they swelled. He bent his head to kiss and lap at her swollen nipples as she stood with her hands behind her neck whimping softly as she submitted willingly to his needs. Taking a second longer length of rope he quickly tied it about her waist and ran the length between her legs pressing it into the folds of her cunt to caress her clit and turning her around he tied her wrists together with the ends.

"Mmmm," he murmured standing back to survey his work as he too stripped off his clothes, "You are almost perfect just like that." He took an egg from the chest and turned it on before pushing it past the rope into her already dripping cunt as she hissed her breath and closed her eyes at the intense feeling the rope rubbing over her clit gave her.

Approaching her with a leather paddle he spoke with a voice thick with desire, "You, my sexy, amazing girl did not answer your phone when I rang," he let the paddle land on her ass, "and I called at least six times," the paddle landed again until he had counted six in his head and was satisfied not only with the colour of her ass but the loud cries of apology she let out through gritted teeth.