With Privilege Comes Responsibility

"With privilege comes responsibility. You seem to have forgotten where you came from. The humble beginnings of your family and what they have done to become the powerful dynasty they are today," Robin lectured Baozhai. As soon as Chunhua had disappeared into the night he had secured the unsuspecting Baozhai with handcuffs and bundled her into his car threatening that if she made a scene, he would drive her directly to the farm and her father.

They drove to his home in silence and with the help of one of his sons, they took Baozhai to the basement and locked her in a specially constructed cell.

"Tell me one person who will speak on your behalf, one person that you haven't used or abused to the point where they would be glad to see you in this situation.

"Emilio," Baozhai said remembering that he had reached out to her at lunch. "Or Jules," she added thinking that her friendship with Bianca would count for something in addition to the fact that they didn't know what she had done to break up Wang and Changying.

Robin put his phone on speaker and called Emilio. He picked up after only a few moments.

"Hey Robin, what's happening?" Emilio was his usual upbeat self.

"I discovered Baozhai, going by the name of Baozhai threatening my girlfriend and by association, her daughter this evening. You would know the daughter, Changying?" Robin asked.

"Fucking hell," Emilio swore, but his voice held disappointment rather than anger.

"I've secured her in the slave quarters here at my home," he paused as Baozhai began to shout.

"Lio you have to help me. Come and get me, please. He can't do this to me I am a Donati," she wailed loudly.

"You haven't listened to any of us Baozhai, so you're probably in the best place to think about why it is that I'm not coming to help you," Emilio's voice was hard as he spoke surprising Baozhai who felt as if she had been dealt a physical blow. "Robin, I'm not sure you know the whole story, D. and I will be over in half an hour or so to have a chat about it. I think we probably should have let you get involved before it got this out of hand."

"I'll be here," Robin looked at Baozhai as he hung up the phone. "Would you like me to call Jules before or after I hear what your brothers have to say?"

"Call him now," she ordered and at a look from him added a sugar coated "Please."

"Hello," Jules' voice shouted into the phone over the background noise of children playing loudly.

"It's Robin, I've secured Baozhai in the car and am taking her to the slave quarters at my home," he paused as Baozhai began to shout again.

"Jules you have to help me. Come and get me, please. I didn't do anything," she wailed loudly.

"What'd she do this time?" Jules asked obviously walking away from the noisy children to take the call seriously.

"I discovered Baozhai, going by the name of Baozhai threatening my girlfriend and by association, her daughter this evening. You would know the daughter, Changying?" Robin asked.

"Sorry Baozhai, you crossed the wrong person this time. It was bound to happen one day. Now you have to face the consequences. We all tried to warn you, I doubt even Lio will bail you out this time, and if Wang finds out you threatened Changying again, well sucks to be you right now." Jules said unapologetically. "Call Dante, he knows the whole story, Ben's out of action tonight you can catch up with him tomorrow."

"Already on it, thanks," Robin looked at Baozhai. "Want to go for strike three?" He shook his head as Baozhai glared at him. "Alright then, I will give you the opportunity to tell me your version of events before your brothers arrive and tell me theirs."

Baozhai, of course, warmed to her subject after a tentative start. She explained how and why the little fat book nerd was not good enough for her brother and how she knew that breaking them up now while it was still early in their relationship would be far better for Wang than having her run away from the farm like Dante's fiancé did. She explained that everything she did was justified but also that she had never done half of the things they accused her of.

Her temper rose as she spoke of Wang's horrific and cruel treatment of her. The fact that he had been ignoring her in favour of spending time with Changying and every small incident right up until he had cut her off financially. At which point she was practically frothing at the mouth in her rage and indignation that he treat her so badly.