Robin Has Been Seeing Changying's Mother

Changying and Wang walked into the chaos that was Jules and Bianca's house. There seemed to be children everywhere and within seconds, Wang had BJ scaling his legs to get up into his arms.

"We're having a party Zio!" BJ announced, and Wang hugged him tightly.

"I can see that," Wang laughed.

"You bought a girl with you," the little boy whispered and wrinkled his nose.

"This is the girl that can write the best letters to Santa so we gotta be nice to her," Wang said in a stage whisper.

"It's very nice to meet you," he said politely and stuck out a small hand in her direction.

"It's lovely to meet you too," she replied taking his hand and shaking it. "I need to find your," she paused unsure of the right word.

"Let's show Changying where Zia is," Wang chuckled and took Changying's hand giving his portfolio to BJ to hang onto. A soccer ball flew through the air past them and dropping Changying's hand Wang moved quickly to stop it and kick it back in the direction it came.

"Go and play," Changying laughed as Wang looked at her expectantly, "I can find my way I am sure."

"It's just through those doors," he pointed in the direction they had been heading and handed her the leather portfolio he had picked up from Ben's office. She was about to walk through the open bi-fold doors when she was stopped by twin girls.

"Who are you?" they asked in unison.

"I'm Changying," she said brightly. "Can you tell me where your Mama is?" She asked assuming that these were either Bianca's or Carmen's children.

"At home, you're probably looking for Zia. You're not selling anything are you?" They continued to block her path.

"No I came to help, I am a friend of your Zio, Wang," she answered deciding to be more specific than she had been when asking for Bianca or Carmen.

"Come on in, Changying," Bianca called out, "Move girls and let her through." Changying walked into what could only be described as a professional kitchen where Bianca stood watching Carmen supervise the staff in the creation of what seemed like a hundred calzones. "Come over here with me," Bianca held out a glass of wine to her, "Carmen's got it all under control."

When it was ready dinner was held at two long tables under the pergola which comfortably seated the six adults and fourteen children present. It was loud and fun with lots of laughter and teasing between the adults and children. Changying was amazed at how much the men doted on the children and gave them their full attention.

"Alright, you dastardly dudes, hand over my children or suffer the consequences," Ben boomed walking out of the house brandishing a nerf gun in each hand.

"Not so fast there partner," Wang growled standing up on the bench seat he had been sitting on, "I've got a calzone full of hot melted cheese, and I'm not afraid to use it." He waggled a soggy calzone at Ben. "You can take the girls, but the boy stays with me, mwahaha!" he looked down at BJ and winked.

"I don't negotiate with terrorists," Ben yelled back and opened fire on Wang, who fell back from the bench in a dramatic death scene. "Anyone else here got a problem?" he smirked as Rommy and Jules raised their hands in surrender and shot them anyway, he laughed evilly as the children all cheered and ran to greet him. Changying had never seen anything like it. Her parents had barely acknowledged her existence let alone played with her. She watched on happily as Wang sat back down beside her and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Alright movies and ice cream with Nanny," Carmen announced herding all of the children from the table. "Better move fast if you want to finish it before we head home." She sat back down pouring Ben a glass of wine and placing a platter with the remaining Calzones on it in front of him.

"I ate with Emily before I came over," Ben waved away the food. "She wants the kids at home." He seemed tired as he ran a hand through his hair and picked up the glass of wine to have a drink."

"So number seven on the way huh?" Rommy clapped his brother on the shoulder. "Congrats, bro."

"Yeah, you and Emily make beautiful babies that's for sure," Jules added.

"What do you mean by beautiful, BJ is ruggedly handsome like his Uncle Wang," Wang grinned lightening the mood.

"That statement might work a bit better if he wasn't the spitting image of his father," Changying laughed. "I still think you're ruggedly handsome, though."

"Lucky you said that Wah-wah was about to start pouting," Ben chuckled feeling better being with his family. He could see the worry lining Carmen's face, and he reached out and took her hand. "I know you love her and now we know what we're dealing with we can make sure she gets the best possible help. Jack's gonna organise a live-in nurse, nanny and cook for us in the morning. She won't like it but it is what it is," he gave Carmen's hand a squeeze. "Plus we're going home for the holidays so Mama will look after her like no one else could."

"We'll keep her company, so she doesn't get any grand ideas about decorating nurseries and other things," Bianca said. "Changying can keep her in bed by smothering her with all that family history paperwork and then asking a gazillion questions," she teased.

"I wasn't that bad was I?" Changying blushed.

"At least, you did more work than Bianca," Carmen laughed at Changying's reaction and poked her tongue at Bianca.

"And we can all be grateful for that. The last time Bianca tried to bake even the dog wouldn't eat it," Jules doubled up as his wife poked him hard in the ribs. "You have other gifts, my love. I didn't marry you for your cooking skills." He winced.

"Why don't you give her a call and let her know the kids are having dessert," Ben suggested to Carmen.

"While you're doing that Changying and I will check on the kids," Bianca said standing, "The little ones will probably be ready for bed."

"I'll come help carry them if you need," Wang offered, "I don't get to hang out with them enough."

"Keep your hands off my son," Ben chuckled.

"Rommy will just replace him with one of his. He's got too many anyway and you'll hardly notice the difference," Wang grinned and walked inside with the women.

"Look, I know you've got enough on you plate right now but you should know Robin has got Baozhai in a slave pen," Jules said quietly. "D. and Lio are handling it."

"How did Robin find out? Jack said he wouldn't involve the old guard," Ben asked quizzically.

"Wait, how do you know this?" Rommy asked.

"That call I got earlier, was her bail out call. She ordered me to go and get her," Jules whispered sadly. "I said no when I found out why Robin had her," Jules admitted feeling some guilt about his lack of action on his sister's behalf. He looked toward the house to make sure Wang wasn't close by before continuing. "Robin has been seeing Changying's mother, Chunhua, and he had dinner plans with her tonight. Baozhai had organised to meet Chunhua as a potential new client called Baozhai in the bar area of the restaurant before her dinner date. Robin walked in and heard Baozhai threaten Chunhua and Changying."