Meeting The Ruler Of The Family

"Oh gosh the books, I left my books upstairs, and I need them," Changying said in a panic to Wang.

"What books?" he stood and helped her to her feet.

"I finished a version of what I was working on, and I wanted to show you and your father, I really want to make a good impression. I'll run up and get them I will only be a minute, I promise," Changying talked fast in her panic.

"Get 'em for her Wang, it'll be worth it, trust me," Dante interrupted after hearing the panic in her voice. "I'll walk her to the Athenaeum you can meet us there."

"They're in the front pocket of my suitcase," relief flooded into Changying's voice and Wang took off at a trot to retrieve the books.

"So what do you think of the farm so far," Dante asked steering her in the direction his father had walked.

"It's huge and not at all like any farm I have ever seen or read about," she admitted. "Not that I have seen very much."

They went out of the house and along a covered walkway entering a totally separate part of the house. The bottom floor that they walked into looked like the server and switch room at the company she had worked for. The big glass doored cabinets held twinkling lights which were reflected back from the doors of the metal cabinets that sat around them and the desks that seemed unused there. It had that musty smell of electricity and metal, and she wrinkled her nose briefly before starting up the stairs to the second floor.

The second floor was like a cross between an immense library and a museum. It reminded Changying of the auction house and its large warehouse storage of family relics but in a much nicer setting. It had an old world charm about it and she smiled looking at the book-lined walls and understood where Wang got his love of books and publishing from.

A long table with fourteen chairs stood in the centre of the polished wood floor. Around the edges of the warehouse-sized room were smaller bays with comfortable couches and low tables surrounded by shelves crammed with books and artefacts. Some she realised must have been replicas.

Joseph was seated in a tall-backed armchair that gave her the impression of a throne at the far end of the room, and she couldn't contain her nervousness as she approached him. The whole family seemed to love and respect this man as well as fear him. She knew he ruled this family with a tight grip, and she wasn't sure what would happen if he decided he didn't like her or if she wasn't good enough for one of his sons.

"Wang has just gone to collect something Changying brought to show you, so I volunteered to show her the way," Dante said in answer to his father's raised eyebrow.

"Have a seat, girl," Joseph said pleasantly. "Dante tells me you are doing a wonderful job in the family repository."

"I love it there. I feel so lucky that they let me work for them; it's like my dream job. It's a big job but I am making some headway and discovering all sorts of interesting things I'd never thought to see outside of a museum," she said enthusiastically. "I am so grateful they gave me a chance after losing my last job." She stopped realising that probably wasn't a wise thing to say.

"Wang told me that his relationship with you was not viewed well by the management there," Joseph nodded. "How is it they found out about the relationship?"

"We were seen outside work together and rumours began," she said telling a half truth. "When I was confronted with the question, I couldn't deny how I felt about Wang, and I didn't want to deny it. So it was agreed that it would be better if I found other employment. I am glad now that it happened; working with Dante and Emilio is wonderful."

"I am happy things worked out so well for you then," he said with a half-smile. He wondered whether she would still be as happy to work for the family if her relationship with Wang did not progress. Time would tell on all things he knew. He could see why his wife had liked the girl, she was thoughtful in her answers and loyal to Wang. She had not mentioned Baozhai's involvement in her leaving her former employment nor the girl who had engineered it.

"You can go, Dante. I am sure Wang is on his way. I won't harm the girl if she is not chaperoned for a few minutes," he chortled.

Dante drew himself up as if he would say something but instead touched her shoulder affectionately and walked away.