Father Doesn't Negotiate With Anyone

Wang stared at the door hearing his father's command to Changying. He knew he had seconds to descend the twenty steps and make it out of the door downstairs before it was locked from the inside. It was how all their punishments began and he worried for Changying. He almost ran into Dante as he hurried out the door pushing it closed behind him and heard the click of the deadbolts inside.

"That sounds ominous," Dante stared at the door.

"They're negotiating," Wang said woodenly not sure exactly what had happened back up there.

"Papa doesn't negotiate with anyone," he patted Wang's shoulder. "He must like her," he tried to ease his brother's worry.

"I dunno about that I've never seen anyone question him before," Wang rubbed his chin.

"Tell me what happened and I'll tell you if you need to worry," Dante started walking keeping his hand on Wang's shoulder to guide him away from the door.

Wang went through the whole conversation and his impressions at Dante's prompting. He was more confused than ever when he had finished telling his brother his concerns.

"Okay here is what I know, first we better find Carlo because Papa will check. Second that girl has already said yes, she was just asking about the details which is fair enough. She loves you Wang, enough to consent to two hours of serving father or possibly apologising for questioning him," he chuckled. "Most importantly of all, she said yes! Stop worrying and start celebrating. In six months' time, you will be married to the girl of your dreams."

"Yeah there is gonna have to be a lot of dreaming with her stuck here on the farm and me in the city, starting a new business," Wang grumbled.

They walked back through to the front of the house where a cherry picker hoisted up its occupants to decorate the enormous fir tree that grew there. Tradition dictated all of the holidays on the farm but this was one tradition they all enjoyed and Wang ran and picked up BJ from behind hoisting the little boy on his shoulders as he watched his father and two of his sister hanging decorations on the upper branches of the tree.

"It'll be good to have everyone home for the holidays," Carlo smiled as he came to stand next to Wang. "Well almost everyone," he regretted the words as soon as he had said then. "Where's Changying?"

"Dad's got her locked in the athenaeum. I'm supposed to help you for a couple of hours," Wang said not keeping the concern from his voice.

"Shit I owe Ben twenty bucks," Carlo grumbled making Wang turn to look at him. "What? It was a compliment, she seemed so sweet I didn't think slavery would be her thing. You should see some of the sluts that are in training at the moment. Then you'd know it was a compliment."

"We all did it," Wang shrugged, "Even the girls."

"Do you really think she will get the same treatment as the Donati princesses?" Carlo said seriously. "If anything, I think she will get a harder time because she is a commoner about to marry a Donati." Wang scowled at him, and he held up his hands, "Don't shoot the messenger and if you think about it, you know I'm right."

"Zio," a little voice from above his head asked, "What's a slut?"

"A word that if Papa or Nonno hear you say will get you a spanking," Wang said seriously pulling the little boy off his shoulders and squatting down beside him to talk to him man to man. "Promise quick that you will never say it again before Santa finds out."

"But he said it," BJ pointed a finger at Carlo.

"That's why he never gets anything but coal in his stocking. He's a very naughty Zio," Wang explained seriously. "If Nonno heard him say it he would get out his whip!" BJ looked up at Carlo, who nodded and rubbed his ass.

"Alright, I promise," BJ agreed.

"How'd it go?" Ben came down off the cherry picker, letting Jack go up with two more of his girls. He walked over to where Wang was talking with BJ.

"I dunno," Wang shrugged, "It started okay and then went sideways, ask me again in a couple of hours."

"Papa, is it true Zio Carlo only ever gets coal in his stocking from Santa?" BJ interrupted loudly.

"Yes he is a very naughty boy, he is on Santa's naughty list permanently," Ben nodded. "What did you do?" He narrowed his eyes at Carlo.

"Nothing, I've been a goddamn saint since you all arrived," Carlo huffed.

"He says bad words," BJ announced with a giggle.