A Few Months of Servitude for a Lifetime Of Happiness

"You have more information now about my expectations of a future wife for my youngest son," Joseph said in an even voice. "Emily, Bianca and Carmen have all come from tables with the same values and went through a similar trial as did all of my children on their eighteenth year. I have not singled you out for this treatment."

"I would just like to hear Wang say that he knows and is happy that I will be signing a Kept contract, please. Then I will accept and agree to the trial and everything it entails," she said quietly.

Joseph picked up his phone and pressed a button holding it out in front of him. "Papa?" Wang's concerned voice came through loudly and clearly.

"This girl has more questions in her than you did as a boy," Joseph said sternly. "You are aware that the trial facing Changying would include training with the Kept are you not?" Joseph said leaving the phone on speaker and staring directly at her.

"Yes Papa," Wang said with confusion colouring his voice.

"You wish her to agree to it, do you not?" He asked his eyes not moving from Changying's expressive face.

"Yes. I know she will agree because she loves me as much as I love her and this is the way to have a future together that will include the biggest part of my life, my family," he said with feeling knowing she was listening to his answers now. "Changying, a few months is nothing compared to the rest of our lives."

"Thank you, Wang," Joseph said abruptly cutting him off and withdrew the phone placing it on the console beside him.

"Have I angered you with my questions?" Changying asked the smile from her face dropping with the abrupt ending of the phone call.

"Not at all but it is good for him to worry about you," he said with a half-smile. "Now that the formality is done, and you understand the expectations of you," he began undoing his belt slowly. "You have consented to be here with me and speak the truth as well as obey my every command for two hours. As a reward for being honest with me, I will start your contract today, and you will still be allowed to go home and see your mother. I will not interfere with the time you have with Wang during the holidays, however, should the opportunity present itself as it has at this moment, you will make yourself available to me."

"Yes, umm Sir," she hesitated over his name. Closing her eyes and swallowing deeply she told herself she could do this, it was what Wang wanted. It was what she wanted. She could do this, a few months of servitude for a lifetime of happiness.

"Sir is fine," he said gently, "You have a beautiful smile, it was one of the first things I noticed about you during lunch," he reached his hand into his pants and drew out his cock fisting it slowly. "I would like to see that beautiful smile wrapped around my cock." He threw a cushion on the floor between his legs and motion for her to kneel on it. This would be the biggest test of her agreement to all he had said.

Surprising herself, Changying moved with little hesitation to the cushion running the mantra of "A lifetime of happiness" through her head as she bent over the older man's thick veiny cock. Kissing the tip she stretched her lips over the swollen helmet and fluttered her tongue softly beneath the head making him elicit a groan of pleasure. His hands wound into her hair, and he gently encouraged her to take more moving her head slowly up and down until he had filled her mouth and she felt like she might gag.

Knowing what Wang liked after many, many hours of practice, she tried her best to move with a rhythm and pace that allowed her to breath and pay attention to the swollen purple glands at the head of his cock while still take as much as she could of him into her mouth. His cock was thicker than Wang's, but she was grateful that it did not have the same length. Though it wasn't much shorter and she found herself swallowing around just the tip as she pressed her head down taking all of him. Pulling her head back to lick and flutter her tongue under the glands she would look up with teary eyes to find him gazing down at her and a low groan escaping his lips.

His hand wound tighter into her hair, and his hips began to move, as she began to quicken her pace keeping her tongue flat and her lips tightly suctioning around the thick shaft of flesh. He groaned loudly as he started to come and she pulled her head back slightly only to have him tighten his grip further and hold her head in place as he thrust his hips up into her mouth several more times.

"Swallow it all," he rasped as she gulped feeling a small dribble escape the corner of her mouth. She swallowed several times, and as he released her hair, she gently cleaned all remnants from his cock and the corners of her mouth before kneeling back on the cushion.

"You have some skill in the oral arts, Wang should be congratulated. I wonder what else my son has taught you," he looked at her speculatively knowing his son's preferences when using the Kept reasonably well.

Changying did not answer knowing it was more of a thought than a question directed at her. "Six months," she reminded herself. "Six months for a lifetime with the man I love."

"What a sweet girl you are," he stroked her face gently. "I can see why Wang loves you as he does." He could also see why Baozhai had seen her as a threat to the life she had made for herself. Baozhai would have seen her access to his bankroll coming to an end and at that moment the excessive lifestyle she enjoyed. They had all been blind to it, most of all Wang, who blamed himself. He deserved the happy life this girl could bring him.

He would sign her to a contract today and let Wang announce their engagement at Christmas when everyone was gathered together. He momentarily thought again of Baozhai, who was in a secure facility drying out and atoning for her sins but put the thought from him as he stood and walked to one of the side bays where his desk lay hidden behind a sturdy bookcase.

"Come and we will deal with the contract now," Joseph called to her, "Then I will talk to Wang."